How to Teach a Child to Write?

The beginners need to get encourage by their parents to write. To make the 3 years old child to write alphabets and numbers, it’s very important to develop holding the pencil in a proper way.  And for writing the alphabets and numbers the kids must now the basic strokes or pre-writing strokes.

The basic strokes of writing alphabets and numbers are

1. Standing Line or Vertical Line:

standing line or vertical line (Parents should encourage the kids to practice the worksheet on dotted standing line to develop the hold of it in a single shot).

Standing Line

2. Sleeping Line or Horizontal Line:

Sleeping line or horizontal line (Parents should encourage the kids to practice the worksheet on dotted sleeping line to develop the hold of it in a single shot).

Sleeping Line

3. Slanting Line:

Slanting line (Parents should encourage the kids to practice the worksheet on dotted slanting line to develop the hold of it in a single shot).

(i) Forward Slanting Line

Forward Slanting Line
Tracing Right Slanting Lines

(ii) Backward Slanting Line

Backward Slanting Line
Tracing Left Slanting Lines
Right and Left Slanting Lines

4. Curves:

Curves (Parents should encourage the kids to practice the worksheet on dotted curves to develop the hold of it in a single shot).

(i) Right Open Curve

Right Open Curve

(ii) Left Open Curve

Left Open Curve


(iii) Upward Open Curve

Upward Open Curve

(iv) Downward Open Curve

Downward Open Curve

You can make dotted strokes for the early learners so that it becomes easy for them to trace over the dots with different color pencils. As much as the kids will practice will get hold over it and this makes easy for them to move pencil easily while writing alphabets and numbers.

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