Different Types of Polygons

The different types of polygons are discussed here.

In any polygon a pair of sides that are inclined to each other meet at a point. This point is called a vertex of the polygon. In the polygon there are as many vertices as there are sides.

Definition of Polygon:

A polygon is a plane figure that is made by joining the line segments where each line segment meets exactly two other line segments.

The intersection point of two line segments is called the vertex of the polygon.

Polygons are classified according to their number of sides.

Polygon - Triangle:

The triangle has 3 sides and 3 vertices.

Different Types of Polygons


Polygon - Quadrilateral:

The quadrilateral has 4 sides and 4 vertices.

Different Types of Polygons


Polygon - Pentagon:

The pentagon has 5 sides and 5 vertices.



Polygon - Hexagon:

The hexagon has 6 sides and 6 vertices.



Different Types of Polygons:


Number of Sides




Polygon - Triangle



Polygon - Quadrilateral



Polygon - Pentagon



Polygon - Hexagon



Polygon - Heptagon



Polygon - Octagon



Polygon - Nonagon



Polygon - Decagon

Types of Polygons

Questions and Answers on Polygons:

1. Classify the following polygons according to the number of sides:

Classify the Following Polygons


(i) Pentagon

(iii) Quadrilateral

(ii) Nonagon

(iv) Hexagon

2. In the adjacent figure, the polygon according to sides is __________.

(i) hexagon

(ii) octagon

(iii) heptagon

(iv) nonagon


Here the no. of sides in the polygon = 8.

Hence, it will be an octagon.

Octagon Problem

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