Days of the Week

We know that, seven days of a week are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Days of the Week

A week has 7 days.

The names of the days of a week in order are:

1. Sunday

2. Monday

3. Tuesday

4. Wednesday

5. Thursday

6. Friday

7. Saturday

Sunday is the first day of a week.

After each Sunday, Monday comes.

After each Monday, Tuesday comes and so on.

Saturday is the last day of the week.

Then, the next week starts with Sunday again 

This sequence goes on and on.

Note: As per dictionary, a week begins on Sunday. But the first working day is Monday.

A Week has 7 Days

A day has 24 hours.

There are 52 weeks in a year.

A calendar shows days and months in a year. The calendar for the year 2023 is shown below. A year has 12 months. But all months do not have the same number of days!

Calendar 2023

Calendar 2023


1. January

2. February

3. March

4. April

5. May

6. June

7. July

8. August

9. September

10. October

11. November

12. December

Number of days


        28 (or 29)











Let's Rhyme

Thirty days hath September,

April, June and November;

All the rest have thirty-one

February has twenty eight alone

Except in Leap Year, that's the time

When February's days are twenty-nine

How do I find the number of days in a year?


We can find out the number of days in a year as follows:

We know that 7 months (January, March, May, July August, October and December) have 31 days.

We also know that 4 months (April, June, September and November) have 30 days. February has 28 or 29 days = 28 or 29

So 1 year has 365 or 366 days

In an ordinary year, February has 28 days while in a leap year, February has 29 days.

So, a leap year has 366 days while an ordinary year has 365 days. A leap year falls nearly once in every four years. 2016 was a leap year.


There are seven days in a week.

The days of the week are:









Days of the Week








We consider 1 year to have 52 weeks.

1 day = 24 hours

1 year = 365 or 366 days

1 week = 7 days

1 year = 52 weeks

Worksheet on Days of the Week:

1. Fill in the blanks:

(i) Monday comes just after __________.

(ii) Friday comes just before __________.

(iii) A week has __________ days.

(iv) Thursday comes in between __________ and __________.

(v) Two days after Friday is __________.

(vi) If today is Wednesday, then tomorrow will be __________.


1. (i) Sunday

(ii) Saturday

(iii) 7

(iv) Wednesday; Friday

(v) Sunday

(vi) Thursday

2. Answer the following questions:

(i) Which is the first day of a week?

(ii) Which day comes before Tuesday?

(iii) Which day comes after Saturday?

(iv) Which day comes in between Monday and Wednesday?

(v) It will be Thursday tomorrow, what day is today?


2. (i) Sunday

(ii) Monday

(iii) Sunday

(iv) Tuesday

(v) Wednesday

3. When is your birthday? _______________.

Answer: 16th November.

4. Your birthday will fall on a __________ in 2023.

Answer: Thursday

Happy Birthday

5. Look at the 2023 calendar and fill in the blanks.

(i) The first month of the year is __________ .

(ii) The last month of the year is  __________ .

(iii) The month of February has  __________ days.

(iv) 31 January falls on a  __________ .

(v) The month of February ends on a  __________ .

(vi) The month of March begins on a  __________ .

(vii) 17 December falls on  __________ .

(viii) The month of June falls between May and  __________ .

(ix) The month of January falls between December and  __________ .

(x) 1 year = __________ months.


5. (i) January

(ii) December

(iii) 28

(iv) Tuesday

(v) Tuesday

(vi) Wednesday

(vii) Sunday

(viii) July

(ix) February

(x) 12

6. Fill in the blanks.

(i) Which days of the week do you go to school? __________________________________________________________ .

(ii) Which day/days of the week is a holiday at school _______________ .

(iii) Which day/days of the week do you have a games period in school? __________________________________________________________ .

(iv) Monday comes after ________________ .

(v) Tuesday comes between __________ and __________ .

(vi) Which day comes before Sunday? __________ .

(vii) __________ lies between Wednesday and Friday.

(viii) The fourth day of the week is __________ .

(ix) The first day of the week is __________ .

(x) The last day of the week is __________ .

(xi) 1 week = __________ days.

(xii) 2 weeks = __________ days.

(xiii) 3 weeks = __________ days.

(xiv) 4 weeks = __________ days.


6. (i) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

(ii) Saturday and Sunday

(iii) Wednesday and Friday

(iv) Sunday

(v) Monday; Wednesday

(vi) Saturday

(vii) Thursday

(viii) Wednesday

(ix) Sunday

(x) Saturday

(xi) 7

(xii) 14

(xiii) 21

(xiv) 28

7. Fill in the blanks.

(i) The first day of the week is __________.

(ii) The third and fifth days of the week start with the letter  __________.

(iii) If today is Wednesday, tomorrow is  __________ and the day after tomorrow is  __________.

(iv) If today is Sunday, yesterday was  __________ and the day before yesterday was  __________.


7. (i)  Sunday

(ii) T

(iii) Thursday; Friday

(iv) Saturday; Friday 

8. Fill in the missing dates and answer the questions:

Days of the Week

(i) John was born 6th January. What day of the week is it?

(ii) Jessica was born the day after John. What day of the week is it?

(iii) How many Mondays are there in this month?

(iv) How many days are there in this month?

(v) What is the first day of this month?



Days of the Week

(i) Friday 

(ii) Saturday

(iii) 5

(iv) 31

(v) Sunday

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