Telling Time in 5-minute Intervals
The clock has numbers from 1 to 12 marked on its dial. These
numbers divide the clock face into 12 equal parts. Between any two numbers
there are 5 small divisions. Each small division represents a minute. So, the
minute hand takes 5 minutes more from one number to the next number. When the
minute hand is at 1 it is read as 1 × 5 = 5 minutes. Thus, the minute hand
takes 60 minutes to complete one round.
12 × 5 = 60 minutes = 1 hour
Look at the clock in the picture. The hour hand is between 1 and 2. The minute hand is at 5. The time is 25 minutes past 1. It is written as 1:25. We read as ‘one twenty-five’.
The minute hand moves from one digit to the next in 5 minutes.
When the minute hand is at 1, it shows 5 minutes past the hour.
When the minute hand is at 2, it shows 10 minutes past the hour. And so on.
We can read the time in two ways.
1:25 25 Minutes Past 1
4:05 5 Minutes Past 4
1:40 20 Minutes to 2
7:55 5 Minutes to 8
From the above explanation we can easily read the time in 5-minutes interval.
Worksheet on Telling Time in 5-minute Intervals:
Questions and Answers on Telling Time in 5-minute Intervals:
I. Read and write the time shown on the given clocks in two ways:
(ii) 3:55; 5 minutes to 4
(iii) 6:35, 25 minutes to 7
(iv) 5:40; 20 minutes to 6
(v) 4:10; 10 minutes past 4
(vi) 11:25; 25 minutes past 11
(vii) 1:50 10 minutes to 2
(viii) 6:05; 5 minutes past 6
II. Read the time given below each clock. Draw the hour hand and minute
hand in each clock.
III. Match the columns:
20 minutes past 7
half past 9
quarter past 5
quarter to 11
20 minutes to 9
III. (i) → (c)
(ii) → (e)
(iii) → (b)
(iv) → (a)
(v) → (d)
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