Numbers are used for calculating and counting.
To count objects, we use numbers i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4,………, 10 etc.
These are called counting numbers and are also called natural numbers.
When we add 0 to the set of counting numbers, we get whole numbers. So, 0, 1, 2, 3,….,10 are called whole numbers.
So, 1 is the smallest natural number and 0 is the smallest whole number.
But there is no largest whole number or natural number because each
number has its successor.
Every whole number is made up of one or more of the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. These symbols are called digits or figures.
In numbers we will learn more about the basic operations, unitary method, multiple and factors etc…………
Various Types of Numbers
● Operations On Whole Numbers
Multiplication Of Whole Numbers.
● Integers
Representation of Integers on a Number Line.
Addition of Integers on a Number Line.
● Multiplication is Repeated Addition.
Multiplication of Fractional Number by a Whole Number.
Multiplication of a Fraction by Fraction.
Properties of Multiplication of Fractional Numbers.
Worksheet on Multiplication on Fraction.
Division of a Fraction by a Whole Number.
Division of a Fractional Number.
Division of a Whole Number by a Fraction.
Properties of Fractional Division.
Worksheet on Division of Fractions.
Worksheet on Simplification of Fractions.
Worksheet on Word Problems on Fractions.
● Decimal.
Expanded form of Decimal Fractions.
Changing Unlike to Like Decimal Fractions.
Comparison of Decimal Fractions.
Conversion of a Decimal Fraction into a Fractional Number.
Conversion of Fractions to Decimals Numbers.
Addition of Decimal Fractions.
Subtraction of Decimal Fractions.
Multiplication of a Decimal Numbers.
Multiplication of a Decimal by a Decimal.
Properties of Multiplication of Decimal Numbers.
Division of a Decimal by a Whole Number.
Division of Decimal Fractions by Multiples.
Division of a Decimal by a Decimal.
Division of a whole number by a Decimal.
Conversion of fraction to Decimal Fraction.
Rounding off Decimal Fractions.
Worksheet on Rounding off number.
● Factors.
Highest Common Factor (H.C.F).
Examples on Highest Common Factor (H.C.F).
Greatest Common Factor (G.C.F).
Examples of Greatest Common Factor (G.C.F).
To find Highest Common Factor by using Prime Factorization Method.
Examples to find Highest Common Factor by using Prime Factorization Method.
To find Highest Common Factor by using Division Method.
Examples to find Highest Common Factor of two numbers by using Division Method.
To find the Highest Common Factor of three numbers by using
Division Method.
Multiples and Factors.
● Divisibility Rules.
To Convert a Percentage into a Fraction
To Convert a Fraction into a Percentage
To find the percent of a given number
To find what Per cent is one Number of another Number
To Calculate a Number when its Percentage is Known
To find Cost Price or Selling Price when Profit or Loss is given.
Word Problems on Simple Interest.
In Simple Interest when the Time is given in Months and Days.
To find Principal when Time Interest and Rate are given.
To find Rate when Principal Interest and Time are given .
To find Time when Principal Interest and Rate are given.
Converting the Temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
Converting the Temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
● Average.
To find Speed when Distance and Time are given.
To find the Distance when Speed and Time are given.
To find Time when Distance and Speed are given.
Worksheet on Speed, Distance and Time.
5th Grade Math Problems
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