2nd Grade Number Word Problems

2nd grade number word problems sheet will help us to refresh the knowledge of the concepts learnt in the earlier grades. 

The questions are based on counting numbers, counting backward in figures, counting backward in words, even numbers & odd numbers, counting by 5, counting by 10 and word problems on numbers.

1. Write the numbers from 916 to 901 in reverse order.

2. Write the number names for numbers from 846 to 836 in reverse order.

3. Write the even numbers from 40 to 50.

4. Write the odd numbers from 71 to 81.

5. Write the even numbers from 90 to 100 in reverse order.

6. Write the odd numbers from 61 to 51 in reverse order.

7. Counting by five, write the numbers from 31 to 56.

8. Counting by tens, write the numbers from 475 to 525.

9. (i) Write the names of the days of a week.

(ii)Write the name of the months of a year.

10. Choose how many months are there in a year?

(i) 12 months.   

(ii) 13 months.

11. Which month contains less than 30 days?

12. A train carried 80 passengers in one trip and 45 passengers in the second trip. How many passengers were carried by the tram in two trips?

13. There were 820 students in a school. 55 new students joined the school. How many students are there in the school at present?

14. In annual examination Tom secured 437 marks. Brian secured 392 marks. How many more marks did Tom secure than Brian?

15. If one packet contains 24 pencils, how many pencils will be there in 12 packets?

16. In a library there are 8 book-cupboards. If each book-cupboard contains 84 books, how many books are there in the library?

Answers for the 2nd grade number word problems are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions for math problems.


1. 916, 915, 914, 913, 912, 911, 910, 909, 908, 907, 906, 905, 904, 903, 902, 901

2. Eight hundred fifty six, eight hundred forty five, eight hundred forty four, eight hundred forty three, eight hundred forty two, eight hundred forty one, eight hundred forty, eight hundred thirty nine, eight hundred thirty eight, eight hundred thirty seven, eight hundred thirty six.

3. 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50                                   

4. 71, 73, 75, 77, 79                          

5. 100, 98, 96, 94, 92, 90

6. 61, 59, 57, 55, 53, 51                   

7. 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56   

8. 475, 485, 495, 505, 515, 525

9. (i) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

(ii) January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.

10. 12 months.                 

11. February.    

12. 125 passengers.        

13. 875 students.             

14. 45 marks.

15. 288 pencils.                 

16. 6720 books.

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