2nd Grade Measurements

Practice the sample questions on 2nd grade measurements. The questions are based on measuring length (meter and centimeter), mass (kilogram and gram), capacity (liter and milliliter) and time (year, months and days).

1. Fill in the gaps:

(i) 1 meter = ____ cm

(ii) November has ____ days.

(iii) 1 kg = ____ g

(iv) 10 m + 5 m + 1 m = ____ m

(v) 250 g = ____ kg

(vi) 3 liters = ____ ml

(vii) 1000 ml = ____ l

(viii) 7 g + 10 g + 5 g = ____ g

(ix) 6 l + 11 l + 3 l = ____ l

(x) Leap year has ____ days.

2. (i) Which is heavier 50 kg weight or 51 kg of sugar.

(ii) Add: 5 kg + 1 5kg = ____

3. (i) What is the main standard unit of capacity?

(ii) How many milliliters are there in one liter?

4. (i) How many days are there in February in a leap year?

(ii) Name of four seasons of India.

5. What are the standard units to measure:

(i) length

(ii) weight

(iii) capacity

(iv) time

6. (i) How many days are there in a leap year?

(ii) How many months are there in a year?

7. Strike out the wrong word:

(i) June has 30/31 days.

(ii) A non-leap year has 365/366 days.

(iii) July comes after/before June.

(iv) Summer comes after/before winter    

(v) Liter is the unit of mass/capacity.

8. (i) A bus travels 215 km daily. How much distance will it cover in 6 days?

(ii) 45 kg of rice is packed equally in 5 packets. How much rice is there in each packet?

Answers for the 2nd grade measurements are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions.



1. (i) 100 cm

(ii) 30 days.

(iii) 1000 g

(iv) 16 m

(v) 1/4 kg

(vi) 3000 ml

(vii) 1 l

(viii) 22 g

(ix) 20 l

(x) 366 days.

2. (i) 51 kg of sugar.

(ii) 6 5kg

3. (i) Liter

(ii) 1000 milliliters

4. (i) 29

(ii) Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter

5. (i) Meter

(ii) Grams

(iii) Liter

(iv) Second

6. (i) 366 days.

(ii) 12 months

7. (i) 30 days.

(ii) 365 days.

(iii) after

(iv) before

(v) capacity.

8. (i) 1290 km.

(ii) 9 kg.

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