Children can enjoy practicing 2nd grade math worksheet 7. The questions are related to four fundamental operations and solid geometrical shapes of the second grade math.
1. Find the product of:
(i) 72 × 3 = _____
(ii) 76 × 7 = _____
2. A bus travels 215 km daily. How much distance will it cover in 6 days?
3. Divide:
(i) 36 ÷ 9 = _____
(ii) 42 ÷ 7 = _____
4. Write two division facts for 3 × 5 = 15.
5. 45 kg rice is packed equally in 5 packets. How much rice is there in each packet?
6. What are the main solid geometrical shapes?
7. Give one example of each type of shape (geometrical).
8. Fill in the blanks:
(i) 1 metre = ____ cm
(ii) 10 m + 5m + 1 m = ____ m
9. (i) Which is heavier 50 kg weight or 51 kg of sugar?
(ii) Add: 5 kg + 15 kg
10. (i) What is the main standard unit of capacity?
(ii) How many milliliters are there in one litre?
(iii) How many days are there in February in a leap year?
Kids are suggested to read the questions carefully of 2nd grade math worksheet 7 and then try to solve on your know.
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