Worksheets on Profit and Loss Percentage

Math worksheets on profit and loss percentage will help us to practice different types of questions on finding gain or loss per cent, cost price, selling price and also word problems on profit and loss percentage.

1. Find gain or Loss per cent when: 

(a) Cost Price = $ 350 and Selling Price = $ 400 

(b) Cost Price = $ 250 and Selling Price = $ 235

(c) Cost Price = $ 300 and Profit = $ 75

(b) Cost Price = $ 720 and Loss = $ 63

(e) Selling Price =$ 1518 and Loss = $ 132 

(f) Selling price = $ 540 and Gain = $ 60

2. Find cost price when: 

(a) Selling Price = $ 795 and Gain % = 6%

(b) Selling Price = $ 980 and Loss % = 12%

(c) Selling Price = $ 66.95 and Gain % = 15.25%

(d) Selling Price = $ 2640 and Loss = $ 196

(e) Selling Price = $ 216 and Loss % = 4%

(f) Selling Price = $ 504 and Gain % = 12%

3. Find selling price when

(a) Cost Price = $ 875 and Gain % = 5%

(b) Cost Price = $ 750 and Loss % = 15%

(c) Cost Price = $ 480 and Gain % = 12 ¹/₂%

(e) Cost Price = $ 675 and Loss % = 92%

(f) Cost Price = $ 1020 and Loss = $ 109

4. Andy purchased 120 pencils at the rate of $2 per pencil. He sold 72 of them at the rate of $2.5 per pencil and the remaining at the rate of $2 per pencil. Find his profit or loss per cent.

5. Mike sold two horses for $18000 each. On one he gained 20% and on the other he lost 20%. Find his total gain or loss.

6. A television set was bought for $3900. $200 was spent on transportation and $900 on repair. It was sold at a loss of 10%. Find the S.P. of television.

7. A bed sheet was sold for $483 thereby gaining 15%. Find the C.P. of the bed sheet.

8. Aaron bought an almirah for $1520 and sold it at a profit of 12 ¹/₂ %. Find the selling price of the almirah.

9. By selling a camera for $2400, Ron loses 4%. At what price must he sell it to gain 12 %.

10. By selling a stool for $240 a carpenter loses 20%. How much per cent would he gain or lose by selling it for $360?

11. The selling price of 12 eggs is equal to the cost price of 15 eggs. Find the gain per cent.

12. The cost price of 10 bananas is equal to the S.P. of 12 bananas. Find the loss per cent.

Answers for the worksheets on profit and loss percentage are given below to check the exact answer of the above questions on profit and loss.


1. (a) gain 14 ¹/₂ %

(b) loss 6 %

(c) profit 25 %

(d) loss 8 ³/₄ %

(e) loss 8 %

(f) gain 12 ¹/₂ %

2. (a) $750

(b) $1113.63

(c) $51.70

(d) $2835

(e) $225

(f) $450

3. (a) $918.75

(b) $637.37

(c) $540

(d) $815

(e) $767

(f) $911

4. Profit 15 %

5. Loss 4¹/₆ %

6. $4500

7. $420

8. $1766.25

9. $2800

10. Profit 10 %

11. Profit 25 %

12. Loss 16²/₃ %

 Profit, Loss and Discount

Calculating Profit Percent and Loss Percent

Word Problems on Profit and Loss

Examples on Calculating Profit or Loss

Practice Test on Profit and Loss


Practice Test on Profit Loss and Discount

 Profit, Loss and Discount - Worksheets

Worksheet to Find Profit and Loss

Worksheets on Profit and Loss Percentage

Worksheet on Gain and Loss Percentage

Worksheet on Discounts

7th Grade Math Problems

8th Grade Math Practice 

Math Homework Sheets 

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