Practice the worksheet on yesterday, today and tomorrow, the questions are based on the sequence of the week-days, their names and order.
We know, the present day is today, the day before today is yesterday and the day after today is tomorrow.
1. How many days are there in a week?
2. Name all the days of a week.
3. Which is the first day of the week?
4. Which is the last day of the week?
5. Which day comes after Wednesday?
6. What is the name of the third day of the week?
Fill in the blanks:
(i) __________ comes before Tuesday.
(ii) __________ comes before Friday.
(iii) Saturday comes after __________.
(iv) Thursday comes after __________.
(v) __________ comes after Saturday.
8. (i) Today is Monday. Which day was yesterday?
(ii) Today is Tuesday. Which day is tomorrow?
9. (i) Today is Friday. Which day is tomorrow?
(ii) Today is Wednesday. Which day was yesterday?
10. Write the names of days being yesterday and tomorrow of:
Yesterday Day Tomorrow
__________ Saturday __________
__________ Sunday __________
__________ Tuesday __________
__________ Thursday __________
__________ Monday __________
__________ Wednesday __________
__________ Friday __________
11. If today is Monday, yesterday was Sunday. Which day will it be tomorrow?
12. (i) Two days just before Friday are __________ and __________.
(ii) Two days just after Monday are __________ and __________.
13. Fill in the blanks:
(i) If tomorrow will be Sunday, then today is __________.
(ii) The day just after Thursday is __________.
(iii) There are __________ days in a week.
(iv) Wednesday comes just before __________.
(v) The day just after Saturday is __________.
Answers for the worksheet on yesterday, today and tomorrow are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions of the seven days in a week.
1. seven days.
2. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
3. Sunday
4. Saturday
5. Thursday
6. Tuesday
7. (i) Monday
(ii) Thursday
(iii) Friday
(iv) Wednesday
(v) Sunday
8. (i) Sunday
(ii) Wednesday
9. (i) Saturday
(ii) Tuesday
10. Yesterday Day Tomorrow
Friday Saturday Sunday
Saturday Sunday Monday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Wednesday Thursday Friday
Sunday Monday Tuesday
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Thursday Friday Saturday
11. Tuesday
12. (i) Wednesday and Thursday
(ii) Tuesday and Wednesday
13. (i) Saturday
(ii) Friday
(iii) 7 (seven)
(iv) Thursday
(v) Sunday
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