Practice the questions given in Worksheet on Word Problems on 4-Digit Numbers. The questions are based on place value of a number, face value of a number, expanded form of a number, standard form a number, successor of a number, predecessor of a number, even numbers, odd numbers, comparison of numbers and from the greatest and smallest number.
1. Nancy has 300 + 20 + 6 Dora stickers. How many stickers does she have in all?
2. I am a four digit number with 3 as my ones digit and 2 as thousands digit. Digit at my tens place is the number that comes just after 7. Digit at my hundreds place is the number that comes just before 5. Who am I?
3. Sonia has four flash cards of numbers 2, 5, 0, 6. Find the smallest and greatest 4-digit number formed using the digits only once.
4. Mike’s car number has 0 hundreds, 4 tens, 6 thousands and 4 ones. What is his car number?
5. Sam is looking for a four digit number. Help him to find the number. These clues will help you.
(i) The thousands place is equal to the number of legs of a spider.
(ii) The hundreds place is equal to the number of wheels in a car.
(iii) The tens place is equal to the number of wings a bird has.
(iv) The ones place is equal to the number of faces a cube has.
(a) Identify the number. ________________
(b) Write the number name for the same. ________________
(c) Expanded form of the number. ________________
(d) Successor of the number. ________________
6. Rachel reads 298 pages of a book, Nitheeya reads 237 pages and Shelly reads 208 pages of the same book. Arrange the numbers in the ascending and descending order.
(i) Ascending order
(ii) Descending order
Answers for the Worksheet on Word Problems on 4-Digit Numbers are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions.
1. 326
2. 2483
3. Smallest Number: 2056
Greatest Number: 6520
4. 6044
5. (a) 8426
(b) Eight thousand four hundred twenty-six
(c) 8000 + 400 + 20 + 6
(d) 8427
6. (i) Ascending order: 208, 237, 298
(ii) Descending order: 298, 237, 208
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