Worksheet on Train Passes through a Bridge

Practice the questions given in the worksheet on train passes through a bridge or platform or tunnel.

We know, when the train passes through a stationary object having some distance, then the time taken by the train to pass the stationary object = (length of the train + length of stationary object)/speed of the train.

1. How long will a train 125 m long take to clear the platform 175 m long if its speed is 90 km/hr?

2. A train 180 m long took 15 second to pass a 60 m long tunnel. Find the speed of the train.

3. A train 360 m long is running at a speed of 45 km/hr and crosses the platform in 40 seconds. Find the length of the platform.

4. A train moving at a speed of 60 km/hr crosses the 423 m long bridge in 30 seconds. Find the length of the train.

5. A train 175 m long crosses a bridge which is 125 m long in 50 seconds. What is the speed of the train?

6. A 120 m long train is running at a speed of 45 km/hr. If it takes 24 seconds to cross the platform, find the length of the platform.

7. Find the time taken by 130 m long train to cross a tunnel which is 110 m long running at a speed of 54 km/hr.

Answers for the worksheet on train passes through a bridge are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions on different problems.


1. 12 seconds    

2. 16 m/sec

3. 140 m              

4. 77m

5. 21.6 km/hr               

6. 180 m                        

7. 16 sec

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Worksheet on Calculating Time

Worksheet on Calculating Speed

Worksheet on Calculating Distance

Worksheet on Train Passes through a Pole

Worksheet on Train Passes through a Bridge 

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8th Grade Math Practice

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