In worksheet on square root using long division method to find the square roots when the numbers are very large.
Evaluate using long division method:
1. √56
2. √1444
3. √4489
4. √6241
5. √7056
6. √9O25
7. √11449
8. √14161
9. √10404
10. √7956
11. √19600
12. √92416
13. Find the least number which must be subtracted from 8105 to make it a perfect square.
14. Find the least number which must be subtracted from 7060 to obtain a perfect square.
15. Find the least number which must be added to 306455 to obtain a perfect square.
16. Find the least number which must be added to 8400 to obtain a perfect square. Find this perfect square and its square root.
17. Find the least number of four digits (4 digits) which is a perfect square. Also find the square root of the number so obtained.
18. Find the greatest number of five digits (5 digits) which is a perfect square. Also find the square root of the number so obtained.
The answers of worksheet on square root using long division method are given below; so that students can check the exact answer after solving the questions.
1. 24
2. 38
3. 67
4. 79
5. 84
6. 95
7. 107
8. 119
9. 102
10. 134
11. 140
12. 304
13. 5
14. 4
15. 461
16. 64, 8464, 92
17. 1024, 32
18. 99856, 316
● Square Root
Square Root of a Perfect Square by using the Prime Factorization Method
Square Root of a Perfect Square by Using the Long Division Method
Square Root of Numbers in the Decimal Form
Square Root of Number in the Fraction Form
Square Root of Numbers that are Not Perfect Squares
Practice Test on Square and Square Roots
● Square Root- Worksheets
Worksheet on Square Root using Prime Factorization Method
Worksheet on Square Root using Long Division Method
Worksheet on Square Root of Numbers in Decimal and Fraction Form
8th Grade Math Practice
Math Homework Sheets
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