We know there are four quadrants in a regular cartesian co-ordinate; in math worksheet on quadrants we will practice the basic questions on quadrants.
Recall the process to solve the questions given in the worksheet on quadrants;
x, y are real and positive then the point
Having co-ordinate (x, y) lies in the first quadrant,
Having co-ordinate (-x, y) lies in the second quadrant,
Having co-ordinate (-x, -y) lies in the third quadrant,
Having co-ordinate (x, -y) lies in the fourth quadrant.
1. In which quadrant do the following points lie?
(i) (2, - 7)
(ii) (√5 - 3, - 2)
(iii) (√2 - 1, 3 -√3)
(Iv) (- 5, √7- 2)
(v) (x, y).
2. Points Q, R and S lie on 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quadrants respectively. If dm Minima of each of them from the co-ordinate axes be 6 and 4 units irspritively, write down their co-ordinates.
3. What do you mean by rectangular Cartesian co-ordinates of a point? What do you know about co-ordinates of points lying on x-axis and y-axis? Where do the following points lie?
(i) (4, 0) (ii) (0, - 6) (iii) (0, 3) (iv) (- 5, 0).
4. The sides of the rectangle ABCD are parallel to the co-ordinate axes. If the co-ordinates of the vertices B and D be (7, 3) and ( 2, 6) respectively, find the co-ordinates of the vertices A and C.
Answers for the worksheet on quadrants are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions.
1. (i) 4th quadrant
(ii) 3rd quadrant
(iii) 1st quadrant
(iv) 2nd quadrant
(v) 1st quadrant if x and y are both positive; 2nd quadrant if x is negative and y positive; 3rd quadrant if x and y are both negative ;4th quadrant if x is positive and y negative
2. P(4, 6), Q (-4, 6) ,R (-4, -6),S (4, -6);
3. (i) on positive x-axis
(ii) on positive y-axis
(iii) on positive y-axis
(iv) on positive x-axis;
4. A(2, 3) and C(7, 6);
● Co-ordinate Geometry
11 and 12 Grade Math
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