Worksheet on Plane Figures

Practice the questions involving geometry worksheet on plane figures.  All the questions are based on some of the solid shapes which have plane surfaces, some are curved surfaces and some are both types of surfaces.

1. Name the following shapes or plane closed figurers:

Worksheet on Plane Figures

2. Define the following and draw their shapes:

(i) Triangle

(ii) Square

(iii) Rectangle

(iv) Circle

3. Write the names of two objects whose shapes are:

(i) Circular (Like a circle)

(ii) Triangular (Like a triangle)

(iii) Square

(iv) Rectangular (Like a rectangle)

4. Write the names of the shapes of the following shapes:

(i) Page of a book

(ii) Surface of a postcard

(iii) Surface of a scale

(iv) Shape of a handkerchief

(v) Surface of one-rupee coin

(vi) Surface of an Indian bread

5. How many triangles are there in the following figures?

How many triangles are there?

6. How many squares are there in the following figures?

How many squares are there?

7. How many circles are there in the following figures?

How many circles are there?

8. Fill in the blanks:

(i) A rectangle has _________ sides and  _________ vertices.

(ii) A square is also a  _________.

(iii) All the sides of a  _________ are equal.

(iv) A circle has no  _________.

(v) The surface of a slate is the shape of a  _________.

(vi) The  _________of the circle is situated in its middle.

(vii) _________ sides of a  _________ are equal.

(viii) The adjacent sides of a  _________ are not generally equal.

9. Reply in ’yes’ or ’no’:

(i) Do all the circles have same size.

(ii) The circle has no side.

(iii) Is a rectangle a square also.

(iv) Are the opposite sides of a square equal.

(v) Can the center of a circle be outside it.

(vi) Are the three sides of a triangle always equal.

(vii) Are the radii of a circle equal.

10. Fill in the blanks:

(i) Diameter = 2 × _________

(ii) The circle has one _________.

(iii) A square has _________ sides and _________ corners.

11. Define the following:

(i) Radius

(ii) Circumference

(iii) Diameter

(iv) Center of a circle

12. Join the points and draw the figures. Now name the shapes:

Join the Points and Draw

Answers for the worksheet on plane figures are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions on solid shapes.


1. (i) rectangle

(ii) square

(iii) triangle

(iv) circle

3. (i) drum (dholak), bread

(ii) Prism, triangular name plate

(iii) box of tea, square box

(iv) Almirah, book

4. (i) rectangle

(ii) rectangle

(iii) rectangle

(iv) square

(v) circle

(vi) circle

5. (i) 7

(ii) 6

(iii) 8

6. (i) 5

(ii) 6

7. (i) 5 circles

8. (i) 4, 4

(ii) rectangle

(iii) square

(iv) vertex

(v) rectangle

(vi) center

(vii) all, square

(viii) rectangle

9. (i) no

(ii) no, side is named its circumference

(iii) no

(iv) yes

(v) no

(vi) no

(vii) yes

10. (i) radius

(ii) centre

(iii) four, four


Join the points and draw the figures

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