Worksheet on Ordering Three-digit Numbers

Practice the questions given in the worksheet on ordering three-digit numbers. The questions are based on sequence of numbers, smallest & greatest numbers, ascending & descending order and forming numbers using the digits.

1. Write the correct order of numbers:

(i) 478, 479, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____.

(ii) 697, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, 703.

(iii) 945, _____, _____, _____, 949, _____, _____.

(iv) 608, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, 614.

(v) 809, _____, _____, _____, 813, 814, _____, _____.

2. Circle the smallest number and put a box around the greatest number:          

(i) 269                    270                         271                         272

(ii) 408                   496                         522                         530

(iii) 292                  208                          69                           50

(iv) 954                  945                         875                         857

(v) 705                  725                         750                         755

(vi) 851                  951                         601                        116

(vii) 703                 583                         411                         204

(viii) 118                190                         901                         109

3. Write the number which is:

(i) 1 more than 695

(ii) 1 less than 550

(iii) 10 more than 485

(iv) 10 less than 555

(v) 100 more than 751

(vi) 100 less than 184

4. Arrange the numbers in ascending order:

(i) 482, 196, 523, 236

(ii) 549, 560, 592, 536

(iii) 700, 707, 770, 717

5. Arrange the numbers in descending order:

(i) 409, 490, 904, 400

(ii) 838, 883, 383, 338

(iii) 742, 574, 678, 176

6. Write the greatest and the smallest number using the digits:

(i) 5, 2, 3

(ii) 0, 7, 8

(iii) 3, 1, 7

(iv) 4, 9, 0

7. Fill in the blanks with >, < or =:

(i) 119 – 9 ____ 110

(ii) 801 ____ 800 + 10 + 1

(iii) 4 tens 9 ones ____ hundreds

(iv) 92 ones ____ 12 tens

(v) 8 × 16 ____ 416 ÷ 4

(vi) 100 + 1 ____ 1001

(vii) 10 × 50 ____ 650 – 150

(viii) 111 – 111 ____ 999 – 999

Answers for the worksheet on ordering three-digit numbers are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions.



1. (i) 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485

(ii) 698, 699, 700, 701, 702

(iii) 946, 947, 948, 950, 951

(iv) 609, 610, 611, 612, 613

(v) 810, 811, 812, 815, 816

2. (i) smallest number - 269                         greatest number -272

(ii) smallest number -  408                           greatest number -530

(iii) smallest number - 50                             greatest number - 292

(iv) smallest number – 857                           greatest number - 954 

(v) smallest number - 705                            greatest number - 755

(vi) smallest number – 116                           greatest number - 951

(vii) smallest number – 204                          greatest number - 703

(viii) smallest number – 109                         greatest number - 901

3. (i) 696

(ii) 549

(iii) 495

(iv) 545

(v) 851

(vi) 84

4. (i) 196, 236, 482, 523

(ii) 536, 549, 560, 592

(iii) 700, 707, 717, 770

5. (i) 904, 490, 409, 400

(ii) 883, 838, 383, 338

(iii) 742, 678, 574, 176

6. (i) greatest number – 532, smallest number - 235

(ii) greatest number – 870, smallest number - 708

(iii) 3, 1, 7 greatest number – 731, smallest number - 137

(iv) 4, 9, 0 greatest number – 940, smallest number - 409

7. (i) =

(ii) <

(iii) <

(iv) <

(v) >

(vi) <

(vii) =

(viii) =

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