Worksheet on Numeration

Practice the questions given in the worksheet on numeration and numbers. The questions are based on one-digit numbers, two-digit numbers, three-digit numbers, lowest number, highest number, compare the numbers using less than and greater than symbols, ascending order, decreasing order, greater number and smaller number.

1. (i) How many one-digit numbers are there?

(ii) How many two-digit numbers are there?

(iii) How many three-digit numbers are there?

2. (i) Which is the lowest one-digit number?

(ii) Which is the lowest two-digit number?

(iii) Which is the lowest three-digit number?

3. (i) Which is the highest one-digit number?

(ii) Which is the highest two-digit number?

(iii) Which is the highest three-digit number?

4. Which number will you get if one is added to:

(i) 9

(ii) 99 

(iii) 999

5. How many digits are there in 1000?

6. Write the smallest and greatest three- digit number.

7. Put the sign < or > between the given pairs of numbers where ‘<’ means “smaller than’ and ‘>’ mean ‘greater than’

(i) 315 ……… 531

(ii) 679 ……… 769

(iii) 967 ……… 769

(iv) 759 ……… 769

(v) 979 ……… 989

(vi) 131 ……… 129

(vii) 649 ……… 639

(viii) 539 ……… 585

(ix) 404 ……… 504

8. Write the following in ascending order:

(i) 308, 312, 306, 318

(ii) 513, 515, 510, 525

(iii) 659, 969, 879, 769

(iv) 569, 579, 559, 589

(v) 432, 718, 640, 535

9. Write the following in decreasing order:

(i) 534, 536, 531, 535

(ii) 329, 349, 339, 319

(iii) 675, 775, 875, 975

(vi) 535, 575, 565, 576

(v) 579, 571, 578, 577

(vi) 603, 408, 705, 807

(vii) 675, 576, 795, 997 

10. Write the number which are greater than and smaller than the given number:

(i) Greater than 245 and smaller than 250

(ii)  Greater than 323 and smaller than 328

(iii) Greater than 539 and smaller than 544

(iv) Smaller than 999 and greater than 994

(v) Smaller than 410 and greater than 405

(vi) Smaller than 567 and greater than 562

Answers for the worksheet on numeration are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions on numbers.


1. (i) There are 9 one-digit numbers.

(ii) There are 90 two-digit numbers.

(iii) There are 900 three-digit numbers.

2. (i) 1

(ii) 10

(iii) 100

3. (i) 9

(ii) 99

(iii) 999

4. (i) 10

(ii) 100

(iii) 1000

5. 4 digits

6. Smallest three-digit number is 100. Greatest three-digit number is 999.

7. (i) 315 < 531

(ii) 679 < 769

(iii) 967 > 769

(iv) 759 < 769

(v) 979 < 989

(vi) 131 > 129

(vii) 649 > 639

(viii) 539 < 585

(ix) 404 < 504

8. (i) 306, 308, 312, 318

(ii) 510, 513, 515, 525

(iii) 659, 769, 879, 969

(iv) 559, 569, 579, 589

(v) 432, 535, 640, 718

9. (i) 536, 535, 534, 531.

(ii) 349, 339, 329, 319

(iii) 975, 875, 775, 675

(iv) 576, 575, 565, 535

(v) 579, 578, 577, 571

(vi) 807, 705, 603, 408

(vii) 997, 795, 675, 576,

10. (i) 246, 247, 248, 249.

(ii)  324, 325, 326, 327.

(iii) 540, 541, 542, 543.

(iv) 998, 997, 996, 995.

(v) 409, 408, 407, 406.

(vi) 566, 565, 564, 563.

After practicing this worksheet on numeration, students will get the idea on 3-digit numbers.

2nd Grade Math Practice

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