In worksheet on multiplication of integers, the questions are based on multiplying integers. This exercise sheet on integers has different types of questions on multiplication of integers that can be practiced by the students to get more ideas to learn integers.
A. Determine each of the following products:
1. 10 × 7
(a) 84
(b) 70
(c) 89
(d) 78
Answer: ________ .
2. (-15) × 8
(a) -120
(b) -127
(c) 120
(d) 127
Answer: ________ .
3. (-25) × (-9)
(a) 184
(b) -184
(c) -225
(d) 225
Answer: ________ .
4. 121 × (-8)
(a) 264
(b) 1000
(c) -968
(d) -315
Answer: ________ .
B. Find each of the following products:
1. 3 × (-8) × 1
(a) 24
(b) -24
(c) 20
(d) -20
Answer: ________ .
2. 9 × (-3) × (-6)
(a) 164
(b) 162
(c) 126
(d) 146
Answer: ________ .
3. (-2) × 36 × (-5)
(a) 360
(b) 316
(c) 326
(d) 336
Answer: ________ .
4. 18 × (-27) × 30
(a) -18451
(b) -14680
(c) -14580
(d) -14508
Answer: ________ .
5. (-45) × 55 × (-10)
(a) 24750
(b) 21316
(c) 23457
(d) None of these
Answer: ________ .
6. (-2) × (-4) × (-6) × (-8)
(a) 384
(b) -384
(c) -348
(d) 348
Answer: ________ .
C. Find the value of:
1. 1487 × 327 + (-487) × 327
(a) 3270
(b) 32700
(c) 327000
(d) None of these
Answer: ________ .
2. 28945 × 99 - (-28945)
(a) 2849200
(b) 2894500
(c) 2594700
(d) None of these
Answer: ________ .
D. Complete the following multiplication table:
Is the multiplication table symmetrical about the diagonal joining the upper left corner to the lower right corner?
E. 1. Determine the integer whose product with ‘-1’ is 58
(a) 0
(b) -1
(c) 58
(d) -58
Answer: ________ .
2. Determine the integer whose product with ‘-1’ is 0
(a) 1
(b) 0
(c) -1
(d) None of these
Answer: ________ .
3. Determine the integer whose product with ‘-1’ is -225
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) -225
(d) 225
Answer: ________ .
F. What will be the sign of the product if we multiply together;
1. 8 negative integers and 1 positive integer?
(a) positive
(b) negative
2. 21 negative integers and 3 positive integers?
(a) positive
(b) negative
3. 199 negative integers and 10 positive integers?
(a) positive
(b) negative
G. State which is greater:
1. (8 + 9) × 10 and 8 + 9 × 10
(a) (8 + 9) × 10
(b) 8 + 9 × 10
Answer: ________ .
2. (8 – 9) × 10 and 8 - 9 × 10
(a) (8 – 9) × 10
(b) 8 - 9 × 10
Answer: ________ .
3. {(-2) - 5} × (-6) and (-2) - 5 × (-6)
(a) {(-2) - 5} × (-6)
(b) (-2) - 5 × (-6)
Answer: ________ .
H. 1. If a × (-1) = -30, is the integer a positive or negative?
2. If a × (-1) = 30, is the integer a positive or negative?
I. Verify the following:
1. 19 × {7 + (-3)} = 19 × 7 + 19 × (-3)
2. (-23) {(-5) + (+19)} = (-23) × (-5) + (-23) × (+19)
J. True or False:
1. The product of a positive and a negative integer is negative.
2. The product of three negative integers is a negative integer.
3. Of the two integers, if one is negative, then their product must be positive.
4. For all non-zero integers a and b, a x b is always greater than either a or b.
5. The product of a negative and a positive integer may be zero.
6. There does not exist an integer b such that for
a > 1, a × b = b × a = b.
Students can check the answers of the worksheet on multiplication of integers given below to make sure that the answers are correct.
A. 1. 70
2. -120
3. 225
4. -968
B. 1. -24
2. 162
3. 360
4. -14580
5. 24750
6. 384
C. 1. 327000
2. 2894500
D. Yes
E. 1. -58
2. 0
3. 225
F. 1. positive
2. negative
3. negative
G. 1. (8 + 9) x 1 0
2. (8 -9) x 10
3. [(-2)-5] x(-6)
H. 1. positive
2. negative
J. 1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. True
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● Numbers - Integers
Properties of Multiplication of Integers
Examples on Multiplication of Integers
Properties of Division of Integers
Examples on Division of Integers
Examples on Fundamental Operations
● Numbers - Worksheets
Worksheet on Multiplication of Integers
Worksheet on Division of Integers
Worksheet on Fundamental Operation
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