Math worksheet on gain and loss percentage will help us to practice different types of questions on finding selling price, discount rate, marked price and also word problems on discount, gain and loss percentage.
1. What is the selling price?
(a) When marked price = $30 and discount = 15%
(b) When marked price = $420 and discount = 7%
(c) When marked price = $8000 and discount = 8%
(d) When marked price = $18000 and discount = 25%
2. What is the rate of discount?
(a) When marked price = $1500 and selling price = $1080
(b) When marked price = $1200 and selling price = $1100
(c) When marked price = $150 and selling price = $125
(d) When marked price = $420 and selling price = $300
3. What is the marked price?
(a) When selling price = $442 and discount = 15%
(b) When selling price = $1200 and discount = 12%
(c) When selling price = $1350 and discount = 25%
(d) When selling price = $585 and discount = 10%
4. Marked price of a shawl is $960. It was sold at a discount of 15%. Find the discount allowed on the shawl. Also find its selling price.
5. A handbag is marked $280 and sold to the customer for $252. Find the rate of discount on the handbag.
6. A quilt was sold for $880 after allowing a discount of 12% on the marked price. Find the marked price of the quilt.
7. A shopkeeper offer 16% discount to the customer and still makes a profit of 20%. What is the Cost Price of a pair of jeans marked $1190.
8. What price should a trader mark on an article which cost him $1080 so as to gain 25% after allowing a discount of 25%.
9. A shopkeeper marked his good 25% above the Cost Price and allows a discount of 16% on it. What per cent does he gain?
10. Tanya bought 1500 bananas for $20 a dozen. She sold 800 bananas at 4 for $5 and the remaining bananas at 4 for $3. Find her gain or loss per cent.
11. Shelly bought 150 dozen envelops for $25 a dozen. Her overhead expenses were $100. She sold each envelops for $3. Find her gain per cent.
12. Sara bought bicycle for $1200. She sold it to Pamela at a profit of 6%. Pamela sold it to Clara at a profit of much money did Clara pay for the bicycle?
Answers for the worksheets on gain and loss percentage are given below to check the exact answer of the above questions on discount, profit and loss.
1. (a) $25.50
(b) $390.60
(c) $7360
(d) $13500
2. (a) 28%
(b) 8 ¹/₃%
(c) 16 ²/₃%
(d) 28 ⁴/₇%
3. (a) $520
(b) $1363.63
(c) $1800
(d) $650
4. $816
5. 10%
6. $1000
7. $420
8. $1800
9. gain 5 %
10. Loss 39 %
11. Profit 402077%
12. $1399.20
● Profit, Loss and Discount
Calculating Profit Percent and Loss Percent
Word Problems on Profit and Loss
Examples on Calculating Profit or Loss
Practice Test on Profit and Loss
Practice Test on Profit Loss and Discount
● Profit, Loss and Discount - Worksheets
Worksheet to Find Profit and Loss
Worksheets on Profit and Loss Percentage
Worksheet on Gain and Loss Percentage
8th Grade Math Practice
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