Worksheet on Four Fundamental Operations

In worksheet on four fundamental operations, all grade students can practice the questions on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. This exercise sheet on four fundamental operations can be practiced by the students to get more ideas to learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide the numbers according to the questions.

1. Find the sum of:

(i) 7853 + 6329

(ii) 342815 + 506793

2. Add the following:

(i) 2 1 4 3 7 + 5 2 8 9 2 + 3 2 0 4 

(ii) 2 7 5 6 + 5 2 1 3 4 + 3 7 2 9 2

3. Subtract:

(i) 5 4 2 0 1 - 2 2 8 7 3

(ii) 8 6 2 7 5 - 3 5 6 7 9

4. Simplify:

(i) 4391 + 7530 - 9418

(ii) 8457 + 3502 - 6989

5. There are 2,983 boys and 2,175 girls in a school. Find the total enrolment of the school. Find also the number of more boys than girls on the rolls of the school.

6. What should be added to 79,415 to make it the greatest five-digit number?

7. By how much is 89283 is greater than 79382?

8. What should be subtracted from 98989 to get 88888?

9. Find the number which is:

(i) 1289 more than 7701

(ii) 10137 less than 36503

10. Estimate each sum to the nearest hundred:

(i) 3 2 1 3 4 5 + 6 7 1 2 0 9

(ii) 7 4 2 7 9 + 2 8 7 2 5

11. Estimate the difference to the nearest hundred:

(i) 2 7 8 7 2 - 1 4 1 4 1

(ii) 6 5 6 5 7 - 2 3 2 3 4

12. Multiply:

(i) 654 by 9

(ii) 564 by 78

(ii) 436 by 235

13. Find the product of:

(i) 3427 x 15

(ii) 2976 x 809

(iii) 5716 x 831

14. Find the product of:

(i) 49 x 700

(ii) 63 x 400

(iii) 79 x 900

15. Estimate the product of the following, rounding each number to the nearest ten:

(i) 259 and 132

(ii) 263 and 428

16. A man earns $1,955 every month. How much does he earn in 2 years?

17. A book contains 236 pages. How many pages are there in 124 books?

18. A farmer plants 127 plants in a row. How many plants are needed for plantation in 127 rows?

19. Fill in the blanks with the sign <, = or >:

(i) 60 x 15 ________ 61 x 15

(ii) 17 x 40 ________ 17 x 41

(iii) 230 + 230 + 230 + 230 ________ 5 x 230


Worksheet on Four Fundamental Operations

21. The product 240 x 17 = 4080. Find the product of the following:

(i) 250 x 17

(ii) 240 x 18

22. Find the quotient:

(i) 170 ÷ 10

(ii) 210 ÷ 70

(iii) 7005 ÷ 10

23. Divide and find the quotient and remainder:

(i) 294 ÷ 3

(ii) 237 ÷ 16

(iii) 6692 ÷ 64

(iv) 94206 ÷ 87

24. Find the 70th part of 5390.

25. Prize money of $7,744 was distributed equally among 11 players of a football team. How much is the share of each player?

26. The product of two numbers is 2944. If one of the numbers is 64, find the other number.

27. Simplify:

(i) 12 x 24 x 65 ÷ 288

(ii) 375 ÷ (15 x 25)

28. Select the correct option:

(i) In a class there are 300 boys and 150 girls. How many students are there in the class?

(a) 300 – 150

(b) 300 + 150

(c) 300 x 150

(d) 300 ÷ 150

(ii) There are 1400 books in Hindi and English languages of which 800 books are in Hindi. Find the number of English books.

(a) 1400 + 800

(b) 1400 – 800

(c) 1400 ÷ 800

(d) 1400 x 800

(iii) There are 24 pencils in a bundle. How many pencils are there in 24 bundles?

(a) 24 + 24

(b) 24 x 24

(c) 24 - 24

(d) 24 ÷ 24

(iv) 450 toffees are distributed equally among 90 children. How many toffees does each child receive?

(a) 450 x 90

(b) 450 + 90

(c) 450 ÷ 90

(d) 450 - 90

(v) A shopkeeper purchased 480 oranges. 15 of them are spoiled. He sold 148 of them. How many oranges are now left for sale?

(a) 480 - 15 – 148

(b) 480 + 15 - 148

(c) 480-15 - 148

(d) 480+15 +148

(vi) A bus has 50 seats. 30 seats are vacant. How many seats are occupied?

(a) 50 x 30

(b) 50 ÷ 30

(c) 50 - 30

(d) 50 + 30

(vii) To get 400 as quotient, what number is to be divided by 16?

(a) 400 ÷ 16

(b) 400 x 16

(c) 400 + 16

(d) 400 - 16

If students have any queries regarding the questions given in the worksheet on four fundamental operations please fill-up the comment box below so that we can help you.

However, suggestions for further improvement, from all quarters would be greatly appreciated.

 Four Fundamental Operations - worksheets

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Worksheet on Four Fundamental Operations.

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4th Grade Math Worksheets

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