Practice the questions given in the worksheet on five digit numbers. The questions are based on writing the numbers in short form & expanded form, regrouping the numbers and their place values, patterns of numbers and identifying the place values.
1. Write the short form for the following expansion:
(i) 30000 + 8000 + 10
(ii) 10000 + 900 + 20 + 3
(iii) 50000 + 7000 + 500 + 30 + 2
(iv) 20000 + 1000 + 7
(v) 90000 + 700 + 3
(vi) 50000 + 30 + 7
(vii) 30000 + 2000 + 700 + 90 + 1
2. Expand the
following numbers:
(i) 33001
(ii) 54420
(iii) 20127
(iv) 60011
(v) 40302
(vi) 10005
(vii) 70070
3. Regroup the following:
(i) 72 hundreds
(ii) 19 thousands
(iii) 95 thousands
(iv) 47 hundreds
(v) 11 hundreds
4. Write the following as ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and ones:
(i) 25001
(ii) 62102
(iii) 50015
(iv) 10203
(v) 30007
5. Complete the pattern:
(i) 9 + 1 = ______
99 + 1 = ______
999 + 1 = ______
9999 + 1 = ______
99999 + 1 = ______
(ii) 10 - 1 = ______
100 - 1 = ______
1000 - 1 = ______
10000 - 1 = ______
100000 - 1 = ______
6. Fill in the blanks:
(i) ______ tens = 1 hundred
(ii) ______ thousand = 10 hundreds
(iii) 1 thousand = ______ tens
(iv) ______ thousands = 1 ten thousand
(v) ______ ones = 1 hundred
(vi) ______ hundreds = 1 ten thousands
(vii) 1 thousand = ______ hundreds
(viii) ______ ones = 1 ten thousands
7. Circle the numbers with:
(i) 9 in thousands place (ii) 1 in hundreds place (iii) 0 in tens place (iv) 5 in ones place (v) 1 in tens thousands place (vi) 7 in tens place |
29430 52174 75310 15926 10009 31472 |
43029 27514 52490 51234 73521 47932 |
39204 52651 31506 12345 17603 54217 |
10349 94150 91073 98765 56831 93870 |
Answers for the worksheet on five digit numbers are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions.
1. (i) 38010
(ii) 10923
(iii) 57532
(iv) 21007
(v) 90703
(vi) 50037
(vii) 32791
2. (i) 30000 + 3000 + 1
(ii) 50000 + 4000 + 400 + 20
(iii) 20000 + 100 + 20 + 7
(iv) 60000 + 10 + 1
(v) 40000 + 300 + 2
(vi) 10000 + 5
(vii) 70000 + 70
3. (i) 7 thousands 2 hundreds
(ii) 19 thousands 0 hundreds
(iii) 95 thousands 0 hundreds
(iv) 4 thousands 7 hundreds
(v) 1 thousand 1 hundred
4. (i) 2 ten thousands 5 thousands 1 ones
(ii) 6 ten thousands 2 thousands 1 hundred 2 ones
(iii) 5 ten thousands 1 tens 5 ones
(iv) 1 ten thousands 2 hundreds 3 ones
(v) 3 ten thousands 7 ones
5. (i) 10
(ii) 9
6. (i) 10
(ii) 1
(iii) 100
(iv) 10
(v) 100
(vi) 100
(vii) 10
(viii) 10000
7. (i) 29430, 39204
(ii) 52174, 94150
(iii) 31506
(iv) 12345, 98765
(v) 10009, 17603
(vi) 31472, 93870
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