We will practice the questions given in the worksheet on decimal fractions to convert unlike decimals to like decimals, arranging the decimals in ascending or descending order, etc.
1. Write the decimal fractions in words:
(i) 15.67
(ii) 278.789
(iii) 4.913
(iv) 125.4
(v) 6.007
(vi) 18.109
2. Write the whole
number part:
(i) 4.112
(ii) 18.132
3. Write the decimal number part:
(i) 8.91
(ii) 0.005
4. Fill in the blanks:
(i) 10 thousandths = 1 ______
(ii) 89 thousandths = ______ hundredths + ______ thousandths
(iii) 58 hundredths = ______ tenths + ______ hundredths
(iv) 27 tenths = 2 ______ + 7 ______
(v) 10 ______= 1 one
5. Write into expanded form (in two ways):
(i) 406.19
(ii) 8.006
(iii) 17.912
6. Write the place values of 8 in each decimal:
(i) 18.06
(ii) 71.081
(iii) 9.008
7. Arrange in ascending order:
(i) 2.01, 2.001, 2.003, 2.0004
(ii) 345.05, 34.08, 345.009, 123.123
8. Choose the like and unlike decimal fractions from the following pair:
(i) 12.6, 7.5
(ii) 4.67, 0.79
(iii) 67.123, 923.0123
9. Convert each of the following pairs or groups of unlike decimals into pairs or groups of like decimals:
(i) 8.52, 10.4
(ii) 7.8, 9.72
(iii) 16.1, 213.025
(iv) 3.8, 8.79, 8.039
(v) 201.007, 19.01
10. Write as a decimal fraction: 0 tens + 1 tenths + 3 hundredths + 4 thousandths
Answers for the worksheet on decimal fractions are given below.
1. (i) fifteen point six seven
(ii) two hundred seventy eight point seven eight nine
(iii) four point nine one three
(iv) one hundred twenty five point four
(v) six point zero zero seven
(vi) eighteen point one zero nine
2. (i) 4
(ii) 18
3. (i) 91
(ii) 005
4. (i) hundredth
(ii) 8, 9
(iii) 8, 5
(iv) ones, tenths
(v) tenths
5. (i) 400 + 0 + 6 + 1/10 + 9/100
(ii) 8 + 6/1000
(iii) 10 + 7 + 9/10 + 1/100 + 2/1000
6. (i) 8
(ii) 8/100
(iii) 8/1000
7. (i) 2.0004 < 2.001 < 2.003 < 2.01
(ii) 34.08 < 123.123 < 345.009 < 345.05
8. (i) like decimal fractions
(ii) like decimal fractions
(iii) unlike decimal fractions
9. (i) 8.52, 10.40
(ii) 7.80, 9.72
(iii) 16.100, 213.025
(iv) 3.800, 8.790, 8.039
(v) 201.007, 19.010
10. 00.134
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