Practice the questions given in the worksheet on conversion of units of speed. The questions are based on converting the speeds from km/hr to m/sec and converting the speeds from m/sec to km/hr.
We know, (i) to convert km/hr to m/sec, multiply by 5/18 and
(ii) to convert m/sec to km/hr, multiply by 18/5.
1. Convert each of the following speed into m/sec:
(i) 72 km/hr
(ii) 12.6 km/hr
(iii) 23.4 km/hr
(iv) 306 km/hr
(v) 38 km/hr
(vi) 54 km/hr
(vii) 81 km/hr
(viii) 14.4 km/hr
2. Convert each of the following speed into km/hr:
(i) 45 m/sec
(ii) 4 m/sec
(iii) 1.5 m/sec
(iv) 2.8 m/sec
(v) 22.5 m/sec
(vi) 120 m/sec
(vii) 840 m/sec
(viii) 6.25 m/sec
3. Express the following speed in m/sec.
(i) 36 km/hr
(ii) 90 km/hr
(iii) 144 km/hr
(iv) 7.2 km/hr
(v) 12.8 km/hr
4. Express the following speed in km/hr.
(i) 15 m/sec
(ii) 10.5 m/sec
(iii) 24 m/sec
(iv) 30 m/sec
(v) 4 ½ m/sec
5. Which is greater – a speed of 24 km/hr or a speed of 12.8 m/sec?
6. Ron covers a distance of 1710 m in 3 minutes. Find his speed in km/hr.
Answers for the worksheet on conversion of units of speed are given below to check the exact answers after converting.
1. (i) 20 m/sec
(ii) 3.5 m
(iii) 6.5 m
(iv) 85 m
(v) 10 5/9m
(vi) 15 m
(vii) 22.5 m
2. (i) 162 km
(ii) 14.4 km
(iii) 5.4 km
(iv) 10.08 km
(v) 81 km
(vi) 432 km
(vii) 3024 km
(viii) 22.5 km
3. (i) 10 m/sec
(ii) 25 m/sec
(iii) 40 m/sec
(iv) 2 m/sec
(v) 3 5/9 m/sec
4. (i) 54 km/hr
(ii) 37.8 km/hr
(iii) 86.4 km/hr
(iv) 108 km/hr
(v) 16.2 km/hr
5. 12.8 m/sec
6. 34.2 km/hr
Worksheet on Conversion of Units of Speed
Worksheet on Calculating Speed
Worksheet on Calculating Distance
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Worksheet on Decimal into PercentageMath Home Work Sheets
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