Worksheet on Addition and Subtraction

Practice the worksheet on addition and subtraction. Count the number and find the sum and the difference of the given numbers.

1. Write the numbers in vertical column and add:

(a) 268 + 714 

(b) 356 + 429 

(c) 208 + 436 

(d) 254 + 126 + 983

(e) 542 + 863 + 415 

(f) 724 + 146 + 237 + 413 

2. Subtract: 

(a) 474 from 563

(b) 149 from 327

(c) 362 from 548

(d) 547 from 635

(e) 3468 from 6800

(f) 2632 from 7000

3. Read each statement carefully. Check whether you need to add or subtract:

Andy's friends had a book reading contest. Among the boys, Aaron read 4 books, Andrew read 7, Mandy read 2 and Andy read 12 books. Among the girls, Ashley read 11 books, Nancy read 2, Shelly read 7 and Michelle read 3.

(a) How many books did the boys read?

(b) How many books did the girls read?

(c) Who read more books, the girls or the boys? How many more?

(d) How many more books did Aaron read than Michelle?

(e) How many more books did Andrew read than Nancy?

(f) 24 girls and 15 boys from Andy's class issued books from the school library. How many more girls than boys got books from the library?

4. There were 246 big trees and 53 bushes in a farmhouse. How many plants were there in all in the farm house?

5. Out of 146 watermelons, Ram could sell 35 in a day. How many pieces of watermelon were left with him?

6. Out of 240 pages of a storybook, Rahim has read 133. How many pages does he still need to read?

7. In a school, there are 258 girls and 397 boys. How many students are there in all in the school?

8. There are 240 teddy bears and 553 dolls in a toy shop. How many toys are there in all?

9. On a Sunday, 528 people visited the zoo. Next Monday, however, only 129 people visited the zoo. How many more people visited the zoo on Sunday?

Answers for the worksheet on addition and subtraction are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions.


1. (a) 982

(b) 785

(c) 644

(d) 1363

(e) 1820

(f) 1520

2. (a) 89

(b) 178

(c) 186

(d) 88

(e) 3332

(f) 4368

3. (a) 25 add

(b) 23 add

(c) Boys 2 more, subtract

(d) 1 more, subtract

(e) 5 more, subtract

(f) 9 more girls, subtract

4. 299 plants

5. 111 pieces of watermelon

6. 107 pages

7. 655 students

8. 793 toys

9. 399 people

 Four Fundamental Operations - worksheets

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Worksheet on Subtraction.

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Worksheet on Multiplication of a Number by a 3-Digit Number.

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4th Grade Math Activities

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