Practice the questions given in the worksheet on addition and subtraction using number line. We know, adding a negative number means moving to the left-side on the number line and adding a positive number means moving to the right-side on the number line.
With the help of the below number line add or subtract the following numbers.
1. Use a number line to evaluate each of the following:
(i) (+7) + (+5)
(ii) 0 + (+9)
(iii) (+6) + (+3)
(iv) (+1) +
(v) (+5) + (+8)
(vi) (+5) + (+3)
(vii) (+8) + 0
(viii) (+3) + (+8)
2. Evaluate the following using a number line:
(i) (-3) + (+7)
(ii) (-2) + (+6)
(iii) (-4) + (+8)
(iv) 0 + (+1)
(v) (-1) + (+5)
(vi) (-5) + (+3)
(vii) (-8) + (+1)
(viii) (-4) + (+9)
(ix) +2 + 7
(x) +4 – 8
(xi) +6 – 7
(xii) +8 – 9
(xiii) -3 + 5
(xiv) -7 – 3
(xv) -2 – 7
3. Solve the given:
(i) +13 - 4
(ii) +20 – 12
(iii) -108 + 16
(iv) +40 + 52
(v) -26 + 54
(vi) +12 – 84
(vii) +45 – 51
(viii) -15 - 25
(ix) -93 – 7
(x) -32 – 18
(xi) -39 + 47
(xii) +32 – 68
4. Add the following using number line:
(i) (+7) + (-3)
(ii) (+9) + (-1)
(iii) (+4) + (-7)
(iv) (+9) + (-9)
(v) 0 + (-2)
(vi) (+5) + (-3)
(vii) (+3) + (-2)
(viii) (6) + (-9)
5. Find the sum of the following:
(i) -2 and 7
(ii) 2, -8 and -4
(iii) -4 and -1
(iv) -5, +3 and -8
(v) -6, +3 and -2
(vi) +9, +5 and -14
6. Find the sum of the following using number line:
(i) (-4) + (-8)
(ii) (-2) + (-7)
(iii) (-1) + (-5)
(iv) (-7) + (-7)
(v) (-8) + (-1)
(vi) (-9) + (-2)
(vii) (-5) + (-4)
(viii) (-6) + (-3)
7. Using integers find the answers to the given statements.
(i) What is the distance between the tip of Mount Mickinley and Death Valley?
(ii) Amount of money left after withdrawing $4589 when there was $9000 in the bank?
(iii) The temperature rise 15°c from -4°c.
(iv) Ron made a profit of $800 in 1st week and lost $935 in the 2nd week. What was Ron’s final gain or loss in two weeks?
8. Subtract the following using number line:
(i) (+10) - (+3)
(ii) (+9) - (+1)
(iii) (+6) - (-2)
(iv) (+4) – (-2)
(v) (+7) - (-1)
(vi) (-8) – (+5)
(vii) (-9) - (+4)
(viii) (-8) – (+3)
(ix) (+2) - (-1)
(x) (-10) - (-10)
9. Subtract the following:
(i) +15 from +10
(ii) -9 from +1
(iii) +27 from -33
(iv) -16 from -20
(v) -8 from -21
(vi) +6 from -12
(vii) -8 from 0
(viii) -3 from -6
10. Fill in the blanks:
(i) -16 + ……… = 0
(ii) 28 + ……… = 0
(iii) 45 – 45 = ………
(iv) -3 + ……… = -2
(v) ……… - 6 = -4
(vi) The successor of -9 is ………
(vii) The predecessor of -2 is ………
Answers for the worksheet on addition and subtraction using number line are given below to check the exact answers of the above evaluations.
1. (i) +12
(ii) +9
(iii) +9
(iv) +1
(v) +13
(vi) +8
(vii) +8
(viii) +11
2. (i) +4
(ii) +4
(iii) +4
(iv) +1
(v) +4
(vi) -2
(vii) -7
(viii) +5
(ix) +9
(x) -4
(xi) -1
(xii) -1
(xiii) +2
(xiv) -10
(xv) -9
3. (i) +9
(ii) +8
(iii) -92
(iv) +92
(v) +28
(vi) -72
(vii) -6
(viii) -40
(ix) -100
(x) -40
(xi) +8
(xii) -36
4. (i) +4
(ii) +8
(iii) -3
(iv) 0
(v) -2
(vi) +2
(vii) +1
(viii) -3
5. (i) +5
(ii) -10
(iii) -5
(iv) -10
(v) -5
(vi) 0
6. (i) -12
(ii) -9
(iii) -6
(iv) -14
(v) -9
(vi) -11
(vii) -9
(viii) -9
7. (i) 21752 feet
(ii) $4411
(iii) 19°c
(iv) 135, loss
8. (i) +7
(ii) +8
(iii) +8
(iv) +6
(v) +8
(vi) -13
(vii) -13
(viii) -11
(ix) +3
(x) 0
9. (i) -5
(ii) 10
(iii) -60
(iv) -4
(v) -13
(vi) -18
(vii) +8
(viii) -3
10. (i) 16
(ii) -28
(iii) 0
(iv) 1
(v) +2
(vi) -8
(vii) -3
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