Worksheet on Addition and Subtraction of Measuring Mass

Practice the worksheet on addition and subtraction of measuring mass in kilogram and gram. The questions are related to add, subtract and word problems on finding the sum and difference to measure the mass of an object.

1. Add the following masses:

(i) 12 kg + 8 kg = ____ kg

(ii) 22 kg + 25 kg = ____ kg

(iii) 75 kg + 22 kg = ____ kg

(iv) 530 g + 437 g = ____ g

(v) 378 g + 211 g = ____ g

(vi) 3 kg 350 g + 5 kg 230 g = ____ kg ____ g

2. Add the following weights:

(i) 84 kg 585 g, 26 kg 365 g

(ii) 34 kg 994 g, 94 kg 66 g

(iii) 41 kg 689 g, 275 kg 588 g

(iv) 69 kg 293 g, 29 kg 368 g, 18 kg 645 g

(v) 56 kg 794 g, 79 kg 187 g

(vi) 59 kg 486 g, 224 kg 257 g, 330 kg 330 g

(vii) 5 kg 263 g, 75 kg 7 g, 39 kg 730 g

(viii) 43 kg 167 g, 27 kg 459 g, 10 kg 505 g

3. Find the sum of the following weights:

Addition of Weights Worksheet

4. Subtract the following weights:

(i) 15 kg - 7 kg = ____ kg

(ii) 27 kg - 17 kg = ____ kg

(iii) 48 kg - 25 kg = ____ kg

(iv) 825 g - 203 g = ____ g

(v) 325 g - 210 g = ____ g

(vi) 5 kg 480 g - 2 kg 378 g = ____ kg ____ g

5. Solve the following subtraction of mass:

(i) 18 kg 799 g from 243 kg 108 g

(ii) 49 kg 985 g from 71 kg 223 g

(iii) 27 kg 396 g from 46 kg 74 g

(iv) 76 kg 729 g from 94 kg 500 g

(v) 142 kg 128 g from 260 kg 7 g

(vi) 427 kg 498 g from 464 kg 362 g

(vii) 149 kg 779 g from 362 kg 146 g

(viii) 327 kg 986 g from 756 kg 214 g

6. Find the difference of the following weights:

Subtraction of Weight Worksheet

7. Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction of Weight

(i) Ron purchased 60 kg sugar from one shop and 45 kg sugar from another shop. How much sugar did he purchase?

(ii) Sam had 75 kg of rice. He sold 25 kg of it. How much rice is left with him?

(iii) Aaron weighs 40 kg and Barun weighs 45 kg. What is their total weight?

(iv) Mike, David and Ken weight 30 kg, 25 kg, and 20 kg respectively. Find their total weight.

(v) Jack produced 300 kg of rice in one field and 250 kg of rice in another field. How ore rice did he produces in the first field?

(vi) Robert weighs 32 kg 350 g and Joseph 30 kg 200 gm. What is their total weight? Find who is heavier and by how much.

Answers for the worksheet on addition and subtraction of measuring mass are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions


1. (i) 20 kg

(ii) 47 kg

(iii) 97 kg

(iv) 967 g

(v) 589 g

(vi) 8 kg 580 g

2. (i) 110 kg 950 g

(ii) 129 kg 60 g

(iii) 317 kg 277 g

(iv) 117 kg 306 g

(v) 135 kg 981 g

(vi) 614 kg 73 g

(vii) 120 kg

(viii) 81 kg 131 g

3. (i) 72 kg 443 g

(ii) 69 kg 156 g

(iii) 61 kg 704 g

(iv) 92 kg 385 g

4. (i) 8 kg

(ii) 10 kg

(iii) 23 kg

(iv) 622 g

(v) 115 g

(vi) 3 kg 102 g

5. (i) 224 kg 309 g

(ii) 21 kg 238 g

(iii) 18 kg 678 g

(iv) 17 kg 771 g

(v) 117 kg 879 g

(vi) 36 kg 864 g

(vii) 212 kg 367 g

(viii) 428 kg 228 g

6. (i) 24 kg 310 g

(ii) 35 kg 319 g

(iii) 10 kg 462 g

(iv) 47 kg 573 g

7. (i) 105 kg

(ii) 50 kg

(iii) 85 kg

(iv) 75 kg

(v) 50 kg

(vi) 62 kg 550 gm; Robert is 2 kg 150 gm heavier than Joseph.

2nd Grade Math Worksheets

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