Practice the set of questions provided in the worksheet on adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers.
1. Find the sum and subtraction result as the case may be of the following:
(i) 55 + 35 = 55 + 30 + 5
= 55 + 5 + 30
= 60 + 30
= 90
(ii) 90 – 35 = 90 – 30 – 5
= 60 – 5
= 55
(iii) 45 + 25 = 45 + 20 + 5
= 45 + 5 + 20
= 50 + 20
= ______
(iv) 30 – 15 = 30 – 10 – 5
= 20 – 5
= ______
(v) 60 – 35 = 60 – 30 – 5
= 30 – 5
= ______
2. Complete the diagram finding the sum and subtraction result:
3. Fill in the blanks:
(i) 28 + 28 = …………
(ii) 32 – 32 = …………
(iii) 12 taken away from 27 = …………
(iv) Which is more, 49 – 1 or 39 – 1 …………?
(v) What should be added to 31 to make it 47 …………?
(vi) 41 + 1 = …………
(vii) 47 – 2 = …………
(vii) Which is more, 57 – 2 or 56 – 2 …………?
(ix) 23 taken away from 58 = …………
(x) What should be added to 63 to make it 80 …………?
(xi) Which is less, 25 + 4 or 27 – 4 …………?
(xii) 0 taken away from 34 = …………
(xiv) 22 + 17 = …………
(xv) What should be added to 11 to make it 45 …………?
Answers for the worksheet on adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers
are given below to calculate the two digit numbers mentally.
1. (iii) 70
(v) 25
2. (i)
3. (i) 56
(ii) 0
(iii) 15
(iv) 49 – 1
(v) 16
(vi) 42
(vii) 45
(vii) 57 – 2
(ix) 35
(x) 17
(xi) 27 – 4
(xii) 34
(xiv) 39
(xv) 34
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