Practice the questions given in worksheet on 4-digit numbers. The questions are based on writing the missing number in the correct order, write the numbers name, write the numerals, fill in the blanks, counting in tows, counting in tens, counting in hundreds and counting in thousands.
I. Write the number names for the given numbers:
(i) 4367
(ii) 8409
(iii) 3216
(iv) 5171
(v) 7209
(vi) 3930
(vii) 4583
(viii) 8020
2. Write numerals for the following:
(i) Six thousand one hundred sixty-five
(ii) Eight thousand nine hundred fifty-four
(iii) Seven thousand two hundred three
(iv) Two thousand seven
(v) Four thousand four hundred sixty-nine
(vi) One thousand two hundred fifty-seven
(vii) Three thousand two hundred eight
3. Complete the following counting:
4. Fill in the blanks:
5. Counting in twos, write the next 5 numbers starting from the given number:
(i) 3245
(ii) 7896
(iii) 4515
(iv) 3012
6. Counting in tens, write the next 5 numbers starting from the given number:
(i) 2424
(ii) 6800
(iii) 7543
(iv) 5179
7. Counting in hundreds, write the next 5 numbers starting from the given number:
(i) 4609
(ii) 3562
(iii) 1892
(iv) 5780
8. Counting in thousands, write the next 5 numbers starting from the given number:
(i) 4555
(ii) 2168
(iii) 4379
(iv) 3881
9. Write the number name of 3908.
10. Place value of 7 in 9071 is ….
11. Numeral of seven thousand four hundred fifty-three is …
12. Face value of 3 in 2340 is ….
13. Predecessor of 3721 is ….
14. Successor of 7809 is ….
15. Smallest 4-digit number formed by the digits 3, 0, 4, 1 is ….
16. Greatest 4-digit number formed by the digits 0, 8, 1, 9 is ….
17. Write T for true and F for false:
(i) 8439 is an odd number.
(ii) 2787 is an even number.
18. I am a 4-digit number. If my digits are reversed I become a 3-digit number. What is the digit in my ones place?
19. Which 4-digit Indian currency is used in our daily life?
20. What is the difference between the greatest and the smallest 4-digit number that can be formed using the digits 8, 0, 7, 9?
21. I am the greatest number made from digit 7, 1, 8, 3.
22. I am the smallest number made from digit 3, 9, 0, 1.
23. Write 4072 in expanded form.
24. Write odd numbers between 3300 to 3310.
25. Write even numbers between 8800 to 8810.
26. 3098 rounded off to the nearest tens is ….
27. 6433 rounded off to the nearest hundreds is ….
28. Standard form of 2000 + 600 + 7 is …
29. Smallest 4-digit even number is ….
30. Largest 4-digit even number is ….
31. Tick the greatest number. 7861, 4763, 9921, 9820
32. Predecessor of seven thousand two hundred ninety-nine is ….
Answers for the worksheet on 4-digit numbers are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions
1. (i) Four thousand three hundred sixty-seven.
(ii) Eight thousand four hundred nine.
(iii) Three thousand two hundred sixteen.
(iv) Five thousand one hundred seventy-one.
(v) Seven thousand two hundred nine.
(vi) Three thousand nine hundred thirty.
(vii) Four thousand five hundred eighty-three.
(viii) Eight thousand twenty.
2. (i) 6165
(ii) 8954
(iii) 7203
(iv) 2007
(v) 4469
(vi) 1257
(vii) 3208
3. (i) 3479, 3480, 3481, 3483, 3484
(ii) 5001, 5002, 5004, 5005, 5006
(iii) 7120, 7121, 7123, 7124, 7125
(iv) 2672, 2674, 2675, 2676, 2678
(v) 9990, 9991, 9992, 9994, 9995
4. (i) Th H T O
4 8 7 6
(ii) Th H T O
1 2 3 4
(iii) 9327
Th H T O
9 3 2 7
(iv) 3059
(v) Th H T O
6 0 0 1
(vi) 2879
Th H T O
2 8 7 9
(vii) 5948
(viii) 3431
Th H T O
3 4 3 1
(ix) Th H T O
7 8 2 3
(x) Th H T O
2 8 3 9
5. (i) 3247, 3249, 3251, 3253, 3255
(ii) 7898, 7900, 7902, 7904, 7906
(iii) 4517, 4519, 4521, 4523, 4525
(iv) 3014, 3016, 3018, 3020, 3022
6. (i) 2434, 2444, 2454, 2464, 2474
(ii) 6810, 6820, 6830, 6840, 6850
(iii) 7553, 7563, 7573, 7583, 7593
(iv) 5189, 5199, 5209, 5119, 5229
7. (i) 4709, 4809, 4909, 5009, 5109
(ii) 3662, 3762, 3862, 3962, 4062
(iii) 1992, 2092, 2192, 2292, 2392
(iv) 5880, 5980, 6080, 6180, 6280
8. (i) 5555, 6555, 7555, 8555, 9555
(ii) 3168, 4168, 5168, 6168, 7168
(iii) 5379, 6379, 7379, 8379, 9379
(iv) 4881, 5881, 6881, 7881, 8881
9. Three thousand nine hundred eight.
10. 70
11. 7453
12. 300
13. 3720
14. 7810
15. 1034
16. 9810
17. (i) T
(ii) F
18. 0
19. 2000
20. 2781
21. 8731
22. 1039
23. 4000 + 70 + 2
24. 3301, 3303, 3305, 3307, 3309
25. 8802, 8804, 8806, 8808
26. 3100
27. 6400
28. 2607
29. 1000
30. 9998
31. 9921
32. 7298
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