We will learn how to solve the word problems on multiplication by 1-digit number. Here we will apply the same process when we multiply 2-digit number by 1-digit number and 3-digit number by 1-digit number.
1. A packet contains 34 pencils. How many pencils are there in 2 such packets?
2. A matchbox contains 65 sticks. How many sticks would 3 such matchboxes contain?
3. One box contains 72 mangoes. How many mangoes are there in 7 boxes?
4. A notebook has 144 pages. How many pages are there in 4 notebooks?
5. A basket contains 145 apples. How many apples are there in 5 such baskets?
6. One table costs $385. How much would it cost to buy 4 such tables?
7. A necklace contains 325 beads. How many beads would 3 such necklaces contain?
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