We will learn how to solve the word problems on division by 2-digit number. Here we will apply the same process when we divide a 1-digit number, 2-digit number, 3-digit number and 4-digit number by a 1-digit number and 2-digit number.
Let us remember the properties of division before solving the word problems.
(i) When the number is divided by 1 the quotient is always the number itself and the remainder is zero.
For example, 27 ÷ 1 = 27
(ii) When the number is divided by itself the quotient is 1 and the remainder is zero.
For example, 85 ÷ 85 = 1
(iii) When zero is divided by the number, the quotient and the remainder both are zero.
For example, 0 ÷ 63 = 0
Solved examples on division by 2-digit number:
1. Cost of 7 ice creams is $ 91.Find the cost of 3 ice creams.
Cost of 7 ice creams is $ 91
Therefore, cost of 1 ice cream is $ (91 ÷ 7)
= $ 13
So, the cost of 3 ice creams is $ (13 × 3) = $ 39
2. If 24 students collected $ 5088 for the physically Challenged Children’s Fund. How much amount did each child contribute?
Number of students = 24
Money collected by 24 students = $ 5088
Therefore, money collected by 1 student = $ (5088 ÷ 24)
= $ 212
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