Word Problems on Average

We will learn how to solve the word problems on average as we know we need to find average in many situations in our daily life.

Let us solve some of the examples for the same.

1. The goal scored by a team is 6 matches are 1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 0. Find the average score of the team.


Total goal scored by the team = 1 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 0 = 15

Total number of matches = 6

Therefore, average score of the team = 15/6 = 2.5

2. The weights of 4 children in a medical text are given below:

Aaron                                    -                              34.2 kg

Natalie                                  -                              36.8 kg

Parker                                   -                              41.3 kg

Sophie                                  -                              40.5 kg

(i) Find the average weight?

(ii) How many children have weight less than average?

(iii) Name the children whose weights are above average.


(i) Total weight of 4 children =         34.2 kg

                                                     36.8 kg

                                                     41.3 kg

                                                     40.5 kg

                                                   152.8 kg

Average weight of one child = 152.8 kg ÷ 4 = 38.2 kg

(ii) 2 children are having their weights less than the average weight.

(iii) The weight of Parker and Sophie is above average.

3. Duration of sunshine in Aligarh city for one week of August 2002 are given as 12.20 hours, 12.18 hours, 12.17 hours, 12.15 hours, 12.13 hours, 12.12 hours, 12.10 hours. Find the average duration of sun shine.


Total duration of sun shine = 12.20 + 12.18 + 12.17 + 12.15 + 12.13 + 12.12 + 12.10 = 85.05 hours.

Number of days = 7

Therefore, average duration of sunshine = 85.05/7 = 12.15 hours.

● Average

Word Problems on Average

Worksheet on Average

Worksheet on word Problems on Average

5th Grade Numbers

5th Grade Math Problems

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