In whole number and decimals we will learn how to represent a mixed number graphically and write in decimal form.
1. Let us consider a mixed number 1710. The number can be represented graphically as given below.
Here, whole number part is 1 and the decimal part is 7.
The number is written as 1.7 and it is read as one point three. In the place-value chart 1 is written under ones column and 7 is written in the tenths column.
2. Let us consider an another mixed number 1310. The number can be represented graphically as given below.
Here, whole number part is 1 and the decimal part is 3. The number is written as 1.3 and it is read as one point three. In the place-value chart 1 is written under ones column and 3 is written in the tenths column.
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