Let us learn how to subtract different units of mass. Here, kg and g are arranged in different columns and then subtracted like ordinary numbers.
1. Subtract 138 kg 165 g from 362 kg 241 g.
Solution: Let us subtract. Step I: Arrange the numbers vertically. Step II: Write the weights to be subtracted in kg and g as shown here. Step III: First, subtract grams from right and then subtract kilograms. |
Thus, 362 kg 241 g – 138 kg 165 g = 224 kg 76 g
Word Problems on Subtraction of Weights
1. A box contains 4 bags of sugar. The total weight of all 4 bags is 6 kg 380 grams. What is the weight of the box in grams?
Weight of the box = 6 kg 380 g
6 kg 380 g = 6 × 1000 g + 380 g
= 6000 g + 380 g
= 6380 g
So, weight of the box in grams is 6380 g.
2. Sophia bought 26 kg 380 g of wheat. She used 5 kg 433 g to make wheat flour. How much wheat is left with her?
Weight of wheat = 26 kg 380 g
Wheat she used to make flour = 5 kg 433 g
Wheat left with her = 26 kg 380 g – 5 kg 433 g
= 20 kg 947 g
Questions and Answers on Subtraction of Weights:
1. Subtract the following.
(i) 784 kg 200 g – 33 kg 100 g
(ii) 667 kg 457 g – 380 kg 789 g
(iii) 947 kg 400 g – 125 kg 890 g
(iv) 468 kg 684 g – 409 kg 578 g
(v) 874 kg 200 g – 284 kg 78 g
(vi) 655 kg 450 g – 101 kg 600 g
1. (i) 751 kg 100 g
(ii) 286 kg 668 g
(iii) 821 kg 510 g
(iv) 59 kg 106 g
(v) 590 kg 122 g
(vi) 553 kg 850 g
2. Subtract the following.
(i) 73 kg 300 g from 165 kg 840 g
(ii) 348 kg 123 g from 654 kg 12 g
(iii) 256 kg 347 g from 903 kg 609 g
(iv) 156 kg 670 g from 543 kg 219 g
(v) 346 kg 324 g from 754 kg
2. (i) 92 kg 540 g
(ii) 305 kg 889 g
(iii) 647 kg 262 g
(iv) 386 kg 549 g
(v) 407 kg 676 g
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