In subtraction of money we will learn how to subtract the amounts of money involving rupees and paise to find the difference. We carryout subtraction with money the same way as in decimal numbers. While subtracting we need to follow that the amounts of money is converted into paise.
We will learn two different methods to solve subtraction involving rupees and paise. Students can practice both the methods.
(i) Subtracting the amounts with conversion into paise
(ii) Subtracting the amounts without conversion into paise
Subtraction is done with conversion and without conversion.
I. Subtraction with conversion:
Subtraction in money by using conversion method, we convert rupees and paise into paise and then subtract the smaller amount of paise from the greater amount. The obtained numbers are subtracted as ordinary numbers and if required finally we put a dot after two digits from the right. The difference is expressed in rupees and paise.
Consider some of the examples:
1. Find the difference between Rs 58.49 and Rs 34.05.
Rs 58.49 = 5849 p
- Rs 34.05 = - 3405 p
2444 p
We can also write 2444 p as Rs 24.44
2. Find the difference between Rs 25.68 and Rs 73.94
Rs 73.94 = 7394 p
- Rs 25.68 = - 2568 p
4826 p
We can also write 4826 p as Rs 48.26
II. Subtraction without conversion:
Subtraction in money by using without conversion method we arrange the given amounts in columns. Such that paise comes under paise, rupees come under rupees and dot comes under dot. The given amounts are subtracted as ordinary numbers. The decimal point is placed in the difference.
Consider some of the examples:
1. Subtract Rs 32.84 from Rs 72.98
Rs 72.98
- Rs 32.84
Rs 40.14
2. Subtract Rs 36.39 from Rs 58.25
Rs 58.25
- Rs 36.39
Rs 21.86
3. Subtract Rs.185.80 from Rs. 301.35
We arrange rupees and paise in columns and subtract then as whole numbers and place decimal point in the correct position.
3 0 1 . 3 5
- 1 8 5 . 8 0
1 1 5 . 5 5
Hence, Rs 301.35 - Rs 185.80 = Rs 115.55
Worked-out examples on
subtraction of money:
1. Subtract Rs. 21.24 from Rs. 74.75
Method 1 (with conversion into paise):
Rs. 74.75 = 7400 paise + 75 paise = 7475 paise
Rs. 21.24 = 2100 paise + 24 paise = 2124 paise
7475 Paise
- 2124 Paise
5351 Paise
Therefore, difference of Rs. 21.24 from Rs. 74.75 = 5351 Paise = Rs. 53.51
Method 2 (without conversion into paise):
Rs. P
74. 75
- 21. 24
53. 51
(i) Rs. and Paise are arranged in columns with decimal point between them.
(ii) Smaller amount is placed under the larger amount.
(iii) Subtraction is made as ordinary subtraction.
Therefore, difference of Rs. 74.75 - Rs. 21.24 = Rs. 53.51
2. Subtract Rs. 28.35 from Rs. 57.30
Method I (with conversion into paise):
Rs. 57.30 = 5700 paise + 30 paise = 5730 paise
Rs. 28.35 = 2800 paise + 35 paise = 2835 paise
5730 Paise
- 2835 Paise
2895 Paise
Therefore, difference of Rs. 28.35 from Rs. 57.30 = 2895 Paise = Rs. 28.95
Method II (without conversion into paise):
(i) Rs. and Paise are arranged in columns with decimal point between them.
(ii) Smaller amount is placed under the larger amount.
(iii) Subtraction is made as ordinary subtraction.
(iv) 30 paise - 35 paise, so Rs. 1 from Rs. 57 is borrowed and added to 30 paise
Rs. 1 + 30 paise = 130 paise
130 paise - 35 paise = 95 paise
(v) Rs. 57 reduce into Rs. 56
Rs. 56 - Rs. 28 = Rs. 28
Rs. P
57. 30
- 28. 35
28. 95
Therefore, difference of Rs. 57.30 - Rs. 28.35 = Rs. 28.95
3. Subtract Rs. 33.80 - Rs. 65.50.
Rs. P 1 15 6 - 3 3 . 8 0 3 1 . 7 0 |
Subtracting Paisa: 50 p - 80 p is not possible. Borrow Rs. 1 (100 p) from column. So there are 64 and 150 p. 150 - 80 = 70 p. write 70 under p. Subtracting Rupees: 64 - 33 = 31. write 31 under Rs. |
4. Subtract Rs. 635.00 - Rs. 268.85.
Rs. P 5 12 14 9 10 6 3 5 . - 2 6 8 . 8 5 3 6 6 . 1 5 |
First subtracting paisa, Then subtracting rupees. |
Word Problems on Subtraction of Money:
5. Michael buys notebook for Rs. 19.50. He gives Rs. 100.00 to the shopkeeper. How much money will he get back?
Cost of a notebook = Rs. 19.50 Michael will get back = Rs. 100 - Rs. 19.50 = Rs. 80.50 |
1 0 0 . 0 0 - 1 9 . 5 0 8 0 . 5 0 |
6. Gloria bought a book for Rs. 125.50, if she paid a 500 rupee note, how much money did she get back?
We need to subtract Rs. 125.50 from Rs. 500. To subtract the amount, we will arrange the given amounts in columns. Such that rupees comes under rupees and dot comes under dot.
Step I: Arrange the numbers vertically. Step II: Subtract 500 – 125.50 Step III: We borrow Rs. 1. Now, 100 p -50 p = 50 p Step IV: Subtract rupees Since, we borrowed Rs. 1, we are left with Rs. 499. Now 499 -125 = 374 |
Rs. 500.00 - Rs. 125.50 Rs. 374.50 |
Thus, Gloria got back Rs 374.50
7. George bought a pizza for ₹ 60.75. He paid 100 to the shopkeeper, how much did the shopkeeper return to him?
₹ p 1 0 0 . 0 0 - 6 0 . 0 0 3 9 . 2 5 |
Subtract paise first then subtract rupees. |
Thus, the shopkeeper returned 39.25 to George.
Questions and Answers on Subtraction of Money:
I. Subtract the following-
(i) |
Rs. P 6 0 . 0 0 - 1 4 . 0 0
(ii) |
Rs. P 6 3 . 5 0 - 4 0 . 2 0
(iii) |
Rs. P 7 7 . 4 0 - 2 8 . 8 0
(iv) |
Rs. P 4 4 . 6 0 - 3 5 . 7 0
(v) |
Rs. P 7 0 . 0 0 - 3 3 . 3 0
(vi) |
Rs. P 1 6 7 . 4 0 - 6 7 . 5 0
(vii) |
Rs. P 2 5 5 . 4 0 - 7 6 . 9 0
(viii) |
Rs. P 1 8 6 . 1 0 - 6 7 . 3 0
(ix) |
Rs. P 2 0 1 . 3 0 - 1 9 3 . 8 5
(x) |
Rs. P 3 0 0 . 2 0 - 2 1 7 . 4 5
(xi) |
Rs. P 4 5 6 2 . 3 0 - 1 8 7 5 . 6 0
(xii) |
Rs. P 7 8 9 0 . 2 0 - 3 6 5 0 . 5 0
I. (i) Rs. 46.00
(ii) Rs. 23.30
(iii) Rs. 48.60
(iv) Rs. 8.90
(v) Rs. 36.70
(vi) Rs. 99.90
(vii) Rs. 178.50
(viii) Rs. 118.80
(ix) Rs. 7.45
(x) Rs. 82.75
(xi) Rs. 2686.70
(xii) Rs. 4239.7
II. Subtract the following amounts:
(i) Rs. 126.00 – Rs. 13.00 = __________
(ii) Rs. 456.00 – Rs. 178.00 = __________
(iii) Rs. 908.00 – Rs. 317.00 = __________
(iv) Rs. 757.00 – Rs. 449.00 = __________
(v) Rs. 600.00 – Rs. 230.00 = __________
(vi) Rs. 126.00 – Rs. 13.00 = __________
(vii) Rs. 600.78 – Rs. 230.99 = __________
(viii) Rs. 757.32 – Rs. 449.58 = __________
(ix) Rs. 586.90 – Rs. 168.29 = __________
(x) Rs. 38.90 - Rs. 34.45 = __________
(xi) Rs. 74.65 - Rs. 21.30 = __________
(xii) Rs. 200.75 - Rs. 149.00 = __________
(xiii) Rs. 498.15 - Rs. 412.80 = __________
(xiv) Rs. 209.05 - Rs. 185.70 = __________
(xv) Rs. 680.40 - Rs. 461.90 = __________
(xvi) Rs. 5005.00 - Rs. 3755.00 = __________
(xvii) Rs. 4865.70 - Rs. 1125.20 = __________
(xviii) Rs. 2650.15 - Rs. 1276.00 = __________
(xix) Rs. 4445.35 - Rs. 333.45 = __________
II. (i) Rs. 113.00
(ii) Rs. 278.00
(iii) Rs. 591.00
(iv) Rs. 208.00
(v) Rs. 370.00
(vi) Rs. 113.00
(vii) Rs. 369.79
(viii) Rs. 307.74
(ix) Rs. 418.61
(x) Rs. 4.45
(xi) Rs. 53.35
(xii) Rs. 51.75
(xiii) Rs. 85.35
(xiv) Rs. 23.35
(xv) Rs. 218.50
(xvi) Rs. 1250
(xvii) Rs. 3740.50
(xviii) Rs. 1374.15
(xix) Rs. 4111.90
III. Solve the following:
(i) Subtract Rs. 57 from Rs. 135
(ii) Subtract Rs. 265 from Rs. 900
(iii) Subtract Rs. 163 from Rs. 587
(iv) Subtract Rs. 84 from Rs. 157
III. (i) Rs. 78
(ii) Rs. 635
(iii) Rs. 424
(iv) Rs. 73
IV. Subtract the following:
(i) Subtract Rs. 180.90 from Rs. 200.10
(ii) Subtract Rs. 28.20 from Rs. 416.05
IV. (i) Rs. 19.20
(ii) Rs. 387.85
V. Solve the following:
(i) $675.60 - $410.05
(ii) $1208.90 - $208.70
V. (i) $265.55
(ii) $1000.20
VI. A shirt cost Rs. 325. David Pays for a shirt Rs. 500. How much change does he get?
VI. David gets Rs. 175
Related Concept
● Money
● Writing Money in Words and Figure
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