Right Angle Hypotenuse Side congruence

Conditions for the RHS - Right Angle Hypotenuse Side congruence

Two triangles triangle are congruent if the hypotenuse and one side of the one triangle are respectively equal to the hypotenuse and one side of the other.

Experiment to prove Congruence with RHS:

Right Angle Hypotenuse Side congruence

Draw a ∆LMN with ∠M = 9, LM = 3cm LN = 5 cm,

Also, draw another ∆XYZ with Y = 90°, XY = 3cm and XZ = 5cm.

We see that ∠M = ∠Y, LM = XY and LN = XZ.

Make a trace copy of ∆XYZ and try to make it cover ∆LMN with X on L, Y on M and Z on N.

We observe that: Two triangles cover each other exactly.

Therefore, ∆LMN ∆XYZ

Worked-out problems on right angle hypotenuse side congruence triangles (HL postulate):

1. ∆PQR is an isosceles triangle such that PQ = PR, prove that the altitude PO from P on QR bisects PQ.

HL Postulate


In the right triangles POQ and POR,

POQ = POR = 90°

PQ = PR           [since, ∆PQR is an isosceles. Given PQ = PR]

PO = OP           [common]

Therefore ∆ POQ ∆ POR by RHS congruence condition

So, QO = RO (by corresponding parts of congruence triangles)

2. ∆XYZ is an isosceles triangle such that XY = XZ, prove that the altitude XO from X on YZ bisects YZ.

Conditions for the RHS


In the right triangles XOY and XOZ,

XOY = XOZ = 90°

XY = XZ          [since, ∆XYZ is an isosceles. Given XY = XZ]

XO = OX         [common]

Therefore ∆ XOY ∆ XOZ by RHS congruence condition

So, YO = ZO (by corresponding parts of congruence triangles)

3. In the adjoining figure, given that AB = BC, YB = BZ, BA ⊥ XY and BC ⊥ XZ. Prove that XY = XZ

Right Angle Hypotenuse side Congruence Triangles


In right triangles YAB and BCZ we get,

YB = BZ          [given]

AB = BC          [given]

So, by RHS congruence condition


∠Y = ∠Z (since by corresponding parts of congruence triangles are equal)

XZ = XY (since sides opposite to equal angles are equal)

Congruent Shapes

Congruent Line-segments

Congruent Angles

Congruent Triangles

Conditions for the Congruence of Triangles

Side Side Side Congruence

Side Angle Side Congruence

Angle Side Angle Congruence

Angle Angle Side Congruence

Right Angle Hypotenuse Side congruence

Pythagorean Theorem

Proof of Pythagorean Theorem

Converse of Pythagorean Theorem

7th Grade Math Problems

8th Grade Math Practice

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