We will learn ‘what unitary method is’ and how to solve problems using unitary method.
The method of finding first the value of one quantity from the value of given quantities and then the value of required quantities is called the unitary method.
While working out the problems using the unitary method, we come across certain variations where the two quantities depend on each other in such a way that changes in one results in the change in other; then the two quantities are said to be in variation.
Types of variation:
The two quantities may be linked in such a way that
● if one increases, other also increases. If one decreases, the other also decreases.
● or if one increases, other decreases. If one decreases, the other increases.
This change results in two variations.
1. Direct variation
2. Inverse variation
Now we will learn what ‘direct variation and inverse variation’ is and their different situations.
Situations of Direct Variation
Situations of Inverse Variation
Direct Variations Using Unitary Method
Direct Variations Using Method of Proportion
Inverse Variation Using Unitary Method
Inverse Variation Using Method of Proportion
Problems on Unitary Method using Direct Variation
Problems on Unitary Method Using Inverse Variation
Mixed Problems Using Unitary Method7th Grade Math Problems
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Mar 23, 25 02:39 PM
Mar 23, 25 12:43 PM
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Mar 22, 25 05:08 PM
Worksheet on Direct Variation using Unitary Method
Worksheet on Direct variation using Method of Proportion
Worksheet on Word Problems on Unitary Method
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