Rational numbers are in the form of fractions. In this topic we will solve the problems based on the comparison between the fractions. Methods of comparing the fraction is based upon the types of fractions we have to compare. Here we have to compare between two types of fractions: like fractions and unlike fractions.
Like Fractions: These fractions are those which have same denominator. Since they have the same denominator we only need to compare their numerators. The one having larger numerator will be the greater of two fractions.
Unlike Fractions: These fractions are those which have different denominators and their comparison method differs with like fractions by one step only. First we have to make their denominators equal and rest of the process will be same as that to the like fraction.
(i) Always remember that the denominators of the fractions should be positive.
(ii) Always remember that a positive integer is greater that the negative integer.
Let us solve some examples to have better understanding of the the topic:
1. Compare 35 and 75.
The given fractions are like fractions as their denominators are equal. So, the one having larger numerator will be greater of the two. Since, 3 < 7 so, 35 is less than 75.
2. Compare 59and 73.
The given fractions are unlike fractions as their denominators are unequal. To have a comparison between them first we need to convert them to like fractions by making their denominators equal. So, the L.C.M. of 9 and 3 is 9.
So, we have two fractions as:
59 and 7×39
⟹ 59 and 219
Since they have become like fractions and the one having larger denominator will be greater of the two. Since, 21 > 5.
Hence, 219 > 59.
3. Compare and arrange the following fractions into ascending order.
117, 517, 3217, 417, 1917
Since the given fractions are like fractions. So, we just need to compare their numerators. Since,
1 < 4 < 5 < 19 < 32
So, the ascending order arrangement is:
117 < 417 < 517 < 1917 < 3217.
4. Compare and arrange the following in descending order:
25, 415, 56, 720
The given fractions are unlike fractions. So, first we need to convert them to like fractions and then carry out the comparison process. So, the L.C.M. of 5, 15, 6 and 20 is 60.
Now the fractions become:
2×1260, 4×460, 5×1060, 7×360,
i.e., 2460, 1660, 5060 and 2160.
Now, we need to compare the like fractions.
Since, 50 > 24 > 21 > 16. So, the required descending order of the fractions is as:
5060 > 2460 > 2160 > 1660
i.e., 56 > 25 > 720 > 415
Rational Numbers
Decimal Representation of Rational Numbers
Rational Numbers in Terminating and Non-Terminating Decimals
Recurring Decimals as Rational Numbers
Laws of Algebra for Rational Numbers
Comparison between Two Rational Numbers
Rational Numbers Between Two Unequal Rational Numbers
Representation of Rational Numbers on Number Line
Problems on Rational numbers as Decimal Numbers
Problems Based On Recurring Decimals as Rational Numbers
Problems on Comparison Between Rational Numbers
Problems on Representation of Rational Numbers on Number Line
Worksheet on Comparison between Rational Numbers
Worksheet on Representation of Rational Numbers on the Number Line
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