In math practice test on area and perimeter of square the questions are given below.
1. Find the perimeter, area and length of the diagonal of a square whose sides are …………..
(a) 12 cm
(b) 9.5 cm
(c) 2.8 m
(d) 15 dm
2. Find the area of square whose diagonals are …………
(a) 1.4 m
(b) 30 cm
(c) 3.2 cm
3. The perimeter of a square is 96 cm. Find the area and the length of the diagonal.
4. The area of a square is 289 cm². Find its perimeter and the length of the diagonal.
5. The diagonal of a square is 9√2cm. Find its area and perimeter.
6. The diagonal of a square is 20 cm. Find the side of the square and its perimeter.
7. A square field has the area 8.41 ares. Find the cost of putting the fence around it at the rate of $8 per m. (Hint: 1 Are = 100 m²)
8. The cost of cementing a square courtyard at $2.75 per square m is $1100. Find the cost of fencing it at the rate of $5.50 per metre.
9. The area of a square and rectangle are equal. If the side of the square is 35 cm and the length of the rectangle is 45 cm, find the breadth and perimeter of the rectangle.
10. A wire is in shape of a square of side 12 cm. It is again bent into a rectangle of length 15 cm. Find its breadth. Which encloses more area and how much more?
Answers for practice test on area and perimeter of square are given below to check the exact answers of the above questions.
1. (a) P = 48 cm, A = 144 cm², d = 16.968 cm
(b) P = 38 cm, A = 90.25 cm², d = 13.433 cm
(c) P = 11.2 m, A = 7.84 m², d = 3.9592 m
(d) P = 60 dm, A = 225 dm², d = 21.21 dm
2. (a) 0.98 m²
(b) 450 cm²
(c) 5.12 cm²
3. A = 576 cm², d = 33.936 cm
4. P = 68 cm, d = 24.038 cm
5. A = 81 cm², P = 36 cm
6. Side = 14.14 cm, P = 56.56 cm
7. $928
8. $440
9. b = 27.22 cm, P = 144.44 cm
10. b = 9 cm, square, 9 cm²
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Practice Test on Area and Perimeter of Square
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