A place value depends upon the position of a digit in a given number.
A place value keeps increasing, when a number moves from right to left.
: 1 one, place value = 1 × 1 or 1 : 8 tens, place value = 8 × 10 or 80 : 6 hundreds, place value = 6 × 100 or 600 : 4 thousands, place value = 4 × 1000 or 4000 |
Questions and Answers on Place Value in 4-Digit Numbers:
I: Fill in the boxes: One has been done for you.
II: Fill in the boxes: One has been done for you.
III. Write the place value of each digit. One has been done for you:
(i) 6954:
Place value of 6 = 6000
Place value of 9 = 900
Place value of 5 = 50
Place value of 4 = 4
(ii) 9875
Place value of 9 = __________
Place value of 8 = __________
Place value of 7 = __________
Place value of 5 = __________
(iii) 8763
Place value of 8 = __________
Place value of 7 = __________
Place value of 6 = __________
Place value of 3 = __________
(iv) 7652
Place value of 7 = __________
Place value of 6 = __________
Place value of 5 = __________
Place value of 2 = __________
(v) 5489
Place value of 5 = __________
Place value of 4 = __________
Place value of 8 = __________
Place value of 9 = __________
(vi) 3596
Place value of 3 = __________
Place value of 5 = __________
Place value of 9 = __________
Place value of 6 = __________
(vii) 4347
Place value of 4 = __________
Place value of 3 = __________
Place value of 4 = __________
Place value of 7 = __________
IV: Fill in the blanks:
(i) In 5427, 4 is in the ________ place, and 7 is in the ________ place.
(ii) In 1832, the place value of 8 is ________ , that of 2 is ________ and that of 1 is ________ .
(iii) In 7243, the digit in the thousands place is ________ , and its place value is _____ .
(iv) In 7896, the digit in the thousands place is ________ , and the place value of 9 is _____ .
(v) In 6542, the place value of 5 is ________ , that of 6 is ________ and that of 4 is ________ .
(vi) In 2436, the place value of 2 is ________ , that of 3 is ________ and that of 4 is ________ .
(vii) In 3854, the digit in the hundreds place is ________ , and its place value is _____ .
(viii) In 8917, the digit in the tens place is ________ , and the place value of 9 is _____ .
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