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Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction

What are the numerator and denominator of a fraction?

We have already learnt that a fraction is written with two numbers arranged one over the other and separated by a line. The number under the line shows in how many equal parts the whole has been divided into. It is called denominator of the fraction. The number above the line shows how many parts of the whole have been taken. It is called numerator of the fraction. So in 23, 2 is the numerator and 3 is the denominator.

Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction: 

We can see that a fraction has two parts.

The number above the division line and the number below the division line. The number below the division line tells us into how many equal parts single or collection of object has been divided. We call it the Denominator. The number above the division line tells us how many of these equal parts have been taken from the whole. We call it the Numerator.

Read as 2 over 5 or two by five.

Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction

Fraction mean part of a region or part of a collection.

Numerator and Denominator
3/8 Coloured Mangoes

  38     coloured mangoesmangoes in all 

  38          NumeratorDenominator 

Worksheet on Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction:

Questions on Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction:

I. Write the denominators and numerators-





























I. (i) Numerator = 5 and Denominator 8

(ii) Numerator = 1 and Denominator 4

(iii) Numerator = 6 and Denominator 2

(iv) Numerator = 2 and Denominator 7

(v) Numerator = 4 and Denominator 6

(vi) Numerator = 2 and Denominator 3

II. Write the fractions-





























II. (i) 23

(ii) 89

(iii) 58

(iv) 16

(v) 715

(vi) 611

III. Fill in the table -

Shaded Part of a Fraction







Shaded parts (Numerator)






Number of parts (Denominator)






Fraction of shaded parts







III. (i) Shaded parts (Numerator) = 1

Number of parts (Denominator) = 3

Fraction of shaded parts = 13

(ii) Shaded parts (Numerator) = 6

Number of parts (Denominator) = 8

Fraction of shaded parts = 68

(iii) Shaded parts (Numerator) = 4

Number of parts (Denominator) = 6

Fraction of shaded parts = 46

(iv) Shaded parts (Numerator) = 3

Number of parts (Denominator) = 4

Fraction of shaded parts = 34

(v) Shaded parts (Numerator) = 8

Number of parts (Denominator) = 16

Fraction of shaded parts = 816

IV. Fill in the blanks _

(i) In 102 the numerator is _____ and the denominator is _____.

(ii) In 93 the denominator is _____ .

(iii) In 102 the numerator is _____ .


IV. (i) 10; 2

(ii) 3

(iii) 10

V. How many fractions have the numerator '6'?



V. 2 fractions

VI. Write in fraction form -

(i) Numerator 30


    Denominator 5




(ii) Numerator 9


    Denominator 54




(iii) Numerator 15


    Denominator 30





VII. (i) 305

(ii) 954

(iii) 1530

VII. Write the fraction with:

(i) Numerator 2, Denominator 5

(ii) Numerator 4, Denominator 10

(iii) Numerator 3, Denominator 7

(iv) Numerator 1, Denominator 6

(v) Numerator 4, Denominator 8







VIII. (i) 25

(ii) 410

(iii) 37

(iv) 16

(v) 48

The number above the line is called the 'numerator' of the fraction and the number below the line is called the 'denominator' of the fraction.

For example, in fraction 712, 7 is the numerator and 12 is the denominator.

Also, in fraction 38, 3 is the numerator 8 is the denominator.

Fractional Numbers

Concept of Fractions

Numerator and Denominator 

2nd Grade Math Practice

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