We will learn how to multiply 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers.
Multiplication by 3-Digit Numbers × 2-Digit Numbers:
Step-by-step procedures of multiplying 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers.
I. Multiply 148 by 18.
Th H T O 4 1 8 × 1 8 3 3 4 4 1. + 4 1 8 0 2. 7 5 2 4 3. |
1. 18 = 1 ten and 8 ones Multiply 8 ones by all the numbers 418 × 8 ones = 3344 ones 2. Multiply 1 ten by all the numbers 418 × 1 ten = 418 tens = 4180 3. Add the two products [1. + 2.] 3344 + 4180 = 7524 |
Thus, 148 × 18 = 7524
II. Multiply 354 by 24.
Th H T O 3 5 4 × 2 4 1 4 1 6 1. + 7 0 8 0 2. 8 4 9 6 3. |
1. 24 = 2 tens and 4 ones Multiply 4 ones by all the numbers 354 × 4 ones = 1416 ones 2. Multiply 2 tens by all the numbers 354 × 2 tens = 708 tens = 7080 3. Add the two products [1. + 2.] 1416 + 7080 = 8496 |
Thus, 354 × 24 = 8496
Multiplying 3-Digit by 2-digit Numbers:
III. Multiply 163 by 25.
Step 1. Arrange the numerals as shown
Step 2. Multiply 163 by 5 ones
163 × 5 = 815 ones
Step 3. Multiply 163 by 2 tens
163 × 2 tens = 326 tens
= 3260
Step 4. Add both the products
815 + 3260 = 4075
Thus, 163 × 25 = 4075
Questions and Answers on Multiplying 3-Digit Numbers by 2-Digit Numbers:
1. Multiply the following 3-Digits Number by 2-Digits Number:
(i) Th H T O 4 4 1 × 1 1 ______________ ______________ ______________ |
(ii) Th H T O 1 4 0 × 1 3 ______________ ______________ ______________ |
(iii) Th H T O 4 2 0 × 1 6 ______________ ______________ ______________ |
(iv) Th H T O 5 0 3 × 1 2 ______________ ______________ ______________ |
(v) Th H T O 9 3 2 × 1 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ |
(vi) Th H T O 6 2 9 × 1 3 ______________ ______________ ______________ |
(vii) Th H T O 8 3 7 × 1 1 ______________ ______________ ______________ |
(viii) Th H T O 3 3 2 × 2 0 ______________ ______________ ______________ |
(ix) Th H T O 1 8 3 × 2 3 ______________ ______________ ______________ |
(x) Th H T O 2 5 1 × 2 7 ______________ ______________ ______________ |
(xi) Th H T O 1 9 2 × 3 8 ______________ ______________ ______________ |
(xii) Th H T O 1 6 8 × 5 2 ______________ ______________ ______________ |
1. (i) 4851
(ii) 1820
(iii) 6720
(iv) 6036
(v) 9320
(vi) 8177
(vii) 9207
(viii) 6640
(ix) 4209
(x) 6777
(xi) 7296
(xii) 8736
2. Solve the following 3-digits by 2-digits multiplication in your notebook.
(i) 384 × 25
(ii) 245 × 23
(iii) 249 × 34
(iv) 335 × 19
(v) 102 × 28
(vi) 186 × 36
(vii) 158 × 54
(viii) 494 × 18
2. (i) 9600
(ii) 5635
(iii) 8466
(iv) 6365
(v) 2856
(vi) 6696
(vii) 8532
(viii) 8892
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