Multiplier by 10, 100, 1000, 10000

We will learn about the multiplier by 10, 100, 1000, 10000.

We add a zero to the extreme right of the multiplicand while by 10.

For example:

(i) 26 × 10 = 260                         

(ii) 524 × 10 = 5240

We add two zero to the extreme right of the multiplicand while by 100.

For example:

(i) 26 × 100 = 2600                         

(ii) 524 × 100 = 52400

We add three zero to the extreme right of the multiplicand while by 1000.

For example:

(i) 26 × 1000 = 26000                          

(ii) 524 × 1000 = 524000

We add four zero to the extreme right of the multiplicand while by 10000.

For example:

(i) 26 × 10000 = 260000                         

(ii) 524 × 10000 = 5240000


Multiplication by multiples of 10, 100, 1000, 10000:

We multiply the multiplicand by the non-zero digit of the multiplier. Then we add the same number of zero to the extreme right of the product as the multiplier has.

We can understand this method as follows.

1. First we count the zeros.

2. We multiply the non – zero numbers.

3. We place the same number of zero to the extreme right of the product

Find the product of the following:

(i) 3846 × 20   


Number of zero = 1

Product of non-zero numbers = 3846 × 2 = 7692

Place 1 zero at extreme right of the product = 76920

Thus, 3846 × 20 = 76920

(ii) 1125 × 300         


Number of zero = 2

Product of non-zero numbers = 1125 × 3 = 3375

Place 2 zeros at extreme left of the product = 337500

Thus, 1125 × 300 = 337500

(iii) 2420 × 7000


Number of zero = 4

Product of non-zero numbers = 242 × 7 = 1694

Place 4 zeros at extreme left of the product = 16940000

Thus, 2420 × 7000 = 16940000

4th Grade Math Activities

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