Missing Addend Sums with 1-Digit Number

The worksheet will help us to calculate the missing addend sums with 1-digit number for the first graders. Addition problems with missing addends are little difficult to solve before understanding the concept on finding the one-digit missing addend.

To find the missing addend we observe that one addend is given along with their sum so, to find the other addend (missing) of the problem we need to calculate both the numbers showing in the question to get the exact answer.

For example: 1 + ? = 6

To find the missing addend we read the question given as ‘1 and how many more make 6?’ The answer is 5. Therefore, when the number is put in the place of the question mark (?), the sum is written as 1 + 5 = 6.

So, the missing addend is 5.

Missing addend:

1. (i) 6 + ? = 9

2. (i) ? + 5 = 5

3. (i) 4 + ? = 7

4. (i) ? + 6 = 8

5. (i) 1 + ? = 4

6. (i) 8 + ? = 9

7. (i) ? + 2 = 5

8. (i) ? + 3 = 6

9. (i) 0 + ? = 1

10. (i) ? + 2 = 7

11. (i) ? + 1 = 3

12. (i) ? + 9 = 9

(ii) ? + 6 = 9

(ii) 5 + ? = 5

(ii) ? + 4 = 7

(ii) 6 + ? = 8

(ii) ? + 1 = 4

(ii) ? + 8 = 9

(ii) 2 + ? = 5

(ii) 3 + ? = 6

(ii) ? + 0 = 1

(ii) 2 + ? = 7

(ii) 1 + ? = 3

(ii) 9 + ? = 9

The worksheet on missing addend sums with 1-digit number increases the math skills generally for the first grade kids. The learning process of these math problems get more and more difficult as students progress through the elementary years to middle and high school which will help them to solve pre-algebraic equations.

First Grade Math Activities

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