Greater or Smaller Fraction

How to identify whether the fraction is greater or smaller fraction between the given pairs of fractions?

If a paper rectangle is taken with 8 cm as its length and folded to make 8 equal parts, we can get an idea of the magnitude of the different equal parts.

4/8 or 1/2 covers more space than 3/8, 2/8 or 1/4, 1/8 etc.

Hence, 4/8 > 3/8 > 2/8 > 1/8 or 1/8 < 2/8 < 3/8 < 4/8

In the diagram given alongside, the rectangular papers having the same length are divided into 4 and 3 parts.

It is clear that 1/4 covers less space than 1/3

Therefore, 1/4 < 1/3 or 1/3 > ¼

So, in fractions having the same denominator but different numerators, that fraction which has the greater numerator is greater. If the numerators are the same but denominators are different, that fraction which has the smaller denominator is greater.

The examples will help us to learn how to find the greater (>) or smaller (<) fraction among the two fractions.

Worked-out examples on greater or smaller fraction:

1. Which is greater?

(i) 1/8 or 4/8


1/8 or 4/8 both the fractions have equal denominators are 8 and numerators as 4 > 1.

Therefore, 4/8 > 1/8

(ii) 2/3 or 1/3


2/3 or 1/3 both the fractions have equal denominators are 3 and numerators as 2 > 1.

Therefore, 2/3 > 1/3

(iii) 4/7 or 3/7


4/7 or 3/7 both the fractions have equal denominators are 7 and numerators as 4 > 3.

Therefore, 4/7 > 3/7

2. Which is greater?

(i) 1/6 or 1/7


1/6 or 1/7 both the fractions have equal numerators are 1 and denominators as 6 < 7.

Therefore, 1/6 > 1/7

(ii) 2/9 or 2/10


2/9 or 2/10 both the fractions have equal numerators are 2 and denominators as 9 < 10.

Therefore, 2/9 > 2/10

(iii) 9/16 or 9/19


9/16 or 9/19 both the fractions have equal numerators are 9 and denominators as 16 < 19.

Therefore, 9/16 > 9/19

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