Coins and Currency Notes

We will discuss here about coins and currency notes. In our daily life we purchase things from the shop and pay money to the shopkeeper. We are already aware of the following coins and notes. Coins of 1 paise, 2 paise, 5 paise are not available and that of 10 paise, 20 paise, 25 paise, 50 paise are less in circulation. Notes of Re 1 and Rs 2 are also less in circulation. 1 rupee is equal to 100 paise. We write p for paise. p is written after the amount.


Rupee is a larger unit of money than paise.

We use ‘p’ to write paise.

We use ‘Re’ to write rupee.

We use ‘Rs’ to write rupees.

We use dot (.) to separate rupees and paise.

Figure on the left of the dot represents rupees.

Figure on the right of the dot represents paise.

Number of paise is written as 2-digit number.

(i) If the amount of money consists of paise only we put zero before the dot (.) to indicate that there are no rupees. For example, 75 paise is written in figures as Re 0.75 or 75 p.

(ii) If the number of paise has one digit, we put zero before it to make a two digit number. For example, 5 paise in figure is written as Re 0.05 or 5 p.

We must know that:

100 paise = Re 1

Two 50 paise = Re 1

Four 25 paise = Re 1

Five 20 paise = Re 1

Ten 10 paise = Re 1

Solved Examples on Coins and Currency Notes:

1. Express Rs 73.25 in words.

We express Rs 73.25 as rupees seventy-three and twenty five paise.

2. Express rupees sixty and five paise in figures.

We express rupees sixty and five paise as Rs 60.05

3. Express the money in the symbolic form 25 rupees and 75 paise.

We express 25 rupees and 75 paise using the symbolic form of money as Rs 25.75.

4. Express 7 paise in figures.

We express 7 paise as Re 0.07.

5. Express Rs 6.50 in rupees and paise.

We express Rs 6.50 as six rupees fifty paise.

Counting Money:

For counting the money it is easier to start counting from the bigger amount. So, first re-arrange the money from biggest to the smallest and then count.

Counting Money

Questions and Answers on Coins and Currency Notes:

I. Count and write, how much amount do the notes and coins make?

Count and Write Notes and Coins


I. (i) Rs. 175

(ii) Rs. 261

(iii) Rs. 660

(iv) Rs. 402

II. Match the following columns:

Match the Money


II. (i) → 3

(ii) → 6

(iii) → 5

(iv) → 1

(v) → 2

(vi) → 4

III. Read the tag on each item. Circle the coins or rupees you need to buy them.

Worksheet on Coins and Currency Notes


III. (i) Rs. 50 + Rs. 20 + Rs. 10 + Rs. 5

(ii) Rs. 10 + Rs. 5

(iii) Rs. 20 + Rs. 10 + Rs. 5

(iv) Rs. 5

We can get same amount of money by combining different notes and coins. For example 2 coins of Rs. 10 each can be used in place of Rs 20.

IV. Using least number of coins make the given amount. One has been done for you.

Least Number of Coins

V. Using least number of notes make the given amount. 

Least Number of Notes


(i) Rs. 150 = Rs. 100 + Rs. 50

(ii) Rs. 120 = Rs. 100 + Rs. 20

(iii) Rs. 110 = Rs. 100 + Rs. 10

Related Concepts


Coins and Currency Notes

Writing Money in Words and Figure

Conversion of Money

Addition of Money

Subtraction of Money

Multiplication of Money

Division of Money

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