Changing Unlike to Like Decimal Fraction

We will discuss here about changing unlike to like decimal fractions.

Unlike decimal fractions can be changed to like decimals by adding as many zeroes as required.

Suppose let us take decimal 14.3, 8.14 and 7.195

14.3 has 1 decimal place.

8.14 has 2 decimal places.

7.195 has 3 decimal places.

If other decimals are also changed into equivalent decimals with 3 decimal places, all of them will become like decimals with 3 decimal places.

Therefore, 14.300, 8.140 and 7.195 are like decimals.

Hence we conclude that,

(i) to find the number of decimal places in the decimal with the largest number of decimal places.

(ii) change the other decimals into their equivalent decimals which have the same number of decimal places as the decimal with the largest number of decimal places.

Solved examples to convert unlike decimals into like decimals:

1. (i) Convert the following unlike decimals into like decimals: 93.419, 184.3, 413.23

The decimal 93.419 has three decimal places. So convert the other decimals into their equivalent decimals which have three decimals places.

Thus, convert 184.3 into 184.300 and 413.23 into 413.230. All the unlike decimals are converted to like decimals by adding zeroes.
Therefore, 93.419, 184.300, 413.230 are all like decimals with three decimal places.

(ii) Convert 1.1, 0.01, 10.6, 101.1 into like decimals

The decimal 0.01 has two decimal places. So convert the other decimals into their equivalent decimals which have two decimals places.

Thus, convert 1.1 into 1.10, 10.6 into 10.60 and 101.1 into 101.10. All the unlike decimals are converted to like decimals by adding zeroes.
Therefore, 1.10, 0.01, 10.60, 101.10 are all like decimals with two decimal places.

(iii) 27.1, 0.652, 7.04, 116.3, 67.39 convert into like decimals

The decimal 0.652 has three decimal places. So convert the other decimals into their equivalent decimals which have three decimals places.

Thus, convert 27.1 into 27.100, 7.04 into 7.040, 116.3 into 116.300 and 67.39 into 67.390. All the unlike decimals are converted to like decimals by adding zeroes.
Therefore, 27.100, 0.652, 7.040, 116.300, 67.390 are all like decimals with three decimal places.

(iv) Convert the unlike decimals into like decimals: 99.99, 2196.1, 8.3

The decimal 99.99 has two decimal places. So convert the other decimals into their equivalent decimals which have two decimals places.

Thus, convert 2196.1 into 2196.10 and 8.3 into 8.30. All the unlike decimals are converted to like decimals by adding zeroes.
Therefore, 1.10, 0.01, 10.60, 101.10 are all like decimals with two decimal places.

(v) 39.121, 49, 199.9, 9.09 convert to like decimals.

The decimal 39.121 has three decimal places. So convert the other decimals into their equivalent decimals which have three decimals places.

Thus, convert 49 into 49.000, 199.9 into 199.900 and 9.09 into 9.090. All the unlike decimals are converted to like decimals by adding zeroes.
Therefore, 39.121, 49.000, 199.900, 9.090 are all like decimals with three decimal places.

(vi) Convert 0.3333, 127.01, 69.4 into like decimals.

The decimal 0.3333 has four decimal places. So the other unlike decimals are converted into like decimals by adding zeroes
Therefore, like decimals are 0.3333, 127.0100, 69.4000 with four decimal places.

(vii) 43.04, 94.3, 101.432 convert to like decimals.

The decimal 101.432 has three decimal places. So the other unlike decimals are converted into like decimals by adding zeroes
Therefore, like decimals are 43.040, 94.300, 101.432 with three decimal places.

(viii) Convert 13.183, 341.43, 1.04 to like decimals.

The decimal 13.183 has three decimal places. So the other unlike decimals are converted into like decimals by adding zeroes
Therefore, like decimals are 13.183, 341.430, 1.040 with three decimal places.

Changing Unlike to Like Decimal Fraction

2. Convert the following set of unlike decimals into a set of like decimals.

19.6, 9.68, 11.081, 109.02


The decimal number 11.081 has 3 digits after the decimal point, so we can convert unlike decimals by putting required number of zeroes in the decimal part to make them equivalent or like decimals.

19.6 = 19.600;

9.68 = 9.680;

11.081 = no change required;

109.02 = 109.020

So, 19.600, 9.680, 11.081, 109.020 are now like decimals.

Problems on Changing Unlike to Like Decimal Fraction:

1. Change the given decimals to like decimals:

(i) 3.7, 5.13, 7.9

(ii) 2.8, 1.005, 56.2

(iii) 1.5, 27.325, 6.8, 5.75

(iv) 6.21, 3.449, 4.61, 8.42

(v) 1.4, 8.09, 6.5, 3.11


(i) 3.70, 5.13, 7.90

(ii) 2.800, 1.005, 56.200

(iii) 1.500, 27.325, 6.800, 5.750

(iv) 6.210, 3.449, 4.610, 8.420

(v) 1.40, 8.09, 6.50, 3.11

● Decimal.

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