Problems Related to Place Value

Worked-out problems related to place value of digits in a numeral.

Examples on place value: 

1. Find the difference between the place value and face value of digit 6 in the numeral 2960543. 


Place value of digit 6 in 2960543 = 60000 

Face value of digit 6 in 2960543 = 6 

Their difference = 60000 - 6 = 59994 

2. Find the product of the place values of two 4s in the numeral 30426451. 


The place value of 4 in hundreds place = 400 

The place value of 4 in hundred thousand place = 400000 

Their product = 400000 × 400 = 160000000.

Problems Related to Place Value

3. Write the smallest 5-digit number:

(a) having 5 different digits

(b) having 8 in thousands place

(c) having 9 in ones place


(a) The smallest 5 different digits are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

Therefore, the smallest 5-digit number having 5-different digits 10234

(b) The smallest 5-digit number having 8 in thousands place is 18023.

(c) The smallest 5-digit number having 9 in ones place is 10239.

4. Write the largest 4-digit number:

(a) having 4-different digits

(b) having 3 in tens place

(c) having 5 in hundreds place


(a) The largest 4-different digits are 9, 8, 7, 6.

Therefore, the largest 4-digit number having 4 different digits = 9876

(b) The largest 4-digit number having 3 in tens place = 9837

(c) The largest 4-digit number having 5 in hundreds place = 9587

5. Form a number with:

                         3 at ten thousands place

                         5 at lakhs place

                         7 at thousands place

                         9 at ones place

                         1 at hundreds place

                         9 at tens place.


The number is 5,37,199.

6. Form a number with:

                         7 at crores place, 8 at ten-thousands place

                         3 at lakhs place, 4 at ten-lakhs place

                         7 at hundreds place, 9 at ones place

                         1 at thousands place, 0 at tens place


The number is 7,43,81,709.

         Each digit has a value depending on its place called the place value of the digit are explained and shown above in the problems related to place value using step-by-step explanation.

Related Concept 

4th Grade Math Activities

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