In comparing like fractions it is always easy to compare two or more because their denominators are same.
To compare two like fractions it is just enough to compare their numerators. If there are two like fractions, then the fraction with greater numerator is greater.
For example:
⁹/₁₃ > ⁵/₁₃ or ⁵/₁₃ ⁹/₁₃ Also, ¹⁵/₇ > ¹³/₇ or ¹³/₇ < ¹⁵/₇
Three or more like fractions can be arranged in ascending or descending order by arranging their numerators in ascending or descending order.
For example:
The fractions, ¹³/₈, ⁵/₈, ⁷/₈, ¹/₈, ¹¹/₈, ¹⁵/₈ can be arranged in ascending order as ¹/₈ < ⁵/₈ < ⁷/₈ < ¹¹/₈ < ¹³/₈ < ¹⁵/₈.
Similarly, the fractions ³/₁₁, ¹/₁₁, ⁸/₁₁, ⁶/₁₁, ⁷/₁₁, ⁹/₁₁ can be arranged in descending order as ⁹/₁₁ < ⁸/₁₁ < ⁷/₁₁ < ⁶/₁₁ < ³/₁₁ < ¹/₁₁.
For example:
1. Compare the following fractions and put an appropriate signs < or >.
(i) ⁵/₁₆ __ ²/₁₆
⁵/₁₆ > ²/₁₆
(ii) 3/6 __ 0/6
3/6 > 0/6
(iii) ¹/₉ __ ⁶/₉
¹/₉ < ⁶/₉
(iv) ⁸/₁₂ __ ⁵/₁₂
⁸/₁₂ > ⁵/₁₂
(v) ³/₁₁ __ ⁵/₁₁
³/₁₁ < ⁵/₁₁
(vi) 4/15 __ 0/15
4/15 > 0/15
(vii) ²/₂₀ __ ⁴/₂₀
²/₂₀ < ⁴/₂₀
(viii) ¹/₁₇ __ ¹³/₁₇
¹/₁₇ < ¹³/₁₇
2. Arrange ³/₈, ⁶/₈, ⁴/₈ in ascending order
³/₈, ⁴/₈, ⁶/₈.
3. Arrange ⁶/₉, ⁴/₉, ⁸/₉, ³/₉ in ascending order
³/₉, ⁴/₉, ⁶/₉, ⁸/₉.
4. Arrange ³/₆, ⁴/₆, ²/₆, ¹/₆, ⁵/₆, ⁶/₆ in descending order.
⁶/₆, ⁵/₆, ⁴/₆, ³/₆, ²/₆, ¹/₆
5. Arrange ²/₉, ⁷/₉, ³/₉, ⁴/₉, ¹/₉, ⁶/₉, ⁵/₉ in descending order.
⁷/₉, ⁶/₉, ⁵/₉, ⁴/₉, ³/₉, ²/₉, ¹/₉
● Fraction
Representations of Fractions on a Number Line
Conversion of Mixed Fractions into Improper Fractions
Conversion of Improper Fractions into Mixed Fractions
Interesting Fact about Equivalent Fractions
Addition and Subtraction of Like Fractions
Addition and Subtraction of Unlike Fractions
Inserting a Fraction between Two Given Fractions
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