4th Grade Measurement Worksheet
In 4th grade measurement worksheet
we will solve different types of problems on measurement of length, measurement
of capacity, measurement of mass, expressing one unit in terms of another,
addition of length, subtraction of length, addition of mass, subtraction of mass,
addition of capacity and subtraction of capacity.
1. Express as centimeters:
(i) 9 m
(ii) 8 dm
(iii) 5 m 3 dm 8 cm
(iv) 7 m 5 dm 4 cm
2. Express as meters and centimeters:
(i) 625 cm
(ii) 2540 cm
(iii) 3505 cm
3. Express as meters:
(ii) 8 km
(ii) 42 km
(iii) 92 km
(iv) 15 km 60 m
(v) 35 km 215 m
(vi) 95 km 290 m
(vii) 400 km 20 m
(viii) 216 km 215 m
4. Express as kg and g:
(i) 7625 g
(ii) 8092 g
(iii) 7004 g
(iv) 2050 g
5. Express as ℓ and mℓ:
(i) 8745 mℓ
(ii) 9063 mℓ
(iii) 20008 mℓ
(iv) 9376 mℓ
6. Add:
(i) 5 m 65 cm + 5 m 250 m
(ii) 4 m 75 cm + 6 m 25 cm
(iii) 6 km 275 m + 7 km 175 m
(iv) 5 km 200 m + 6 km 400 m
(v) 7 kg 840 g + 7 kg 185 g
(vi) 4 kg 384 g + 3 kg 17 g
(vii) 6 ℓ 685 mℓ + 5 ℓ 900 mℓ
(viii) 4 m 75 cm + 6 m 25 cm
(ix) 6 m 42 cm + 7 m 98 cm
(x) 5 km 250 m + 17 km 775 m
7. Subtract:
(i) 8 km 225 m - 2 km 875 m
(ii) 19 km 125 m - 4 km 475 m
(iii) 19 m 25 cm - 4 m 175 cm
(iv) 8 m 50 cm - 3 m 75 cm
(v) 7 kg 100 g - 3 kg 425 g
(vi) 17 kg 105 g - 5 kg 480 g
(vii) 63 ℓ 156 mℓ - 35 ℓ 574 mℓ
(viii) 50 ℓ - 15 ℓ 125 mℓ
(ix) 93 ℓ 192 mℓ - 40 ℓ 550 mℓ
(x) 18 km 250 m - 9 km 650 m
1. 1. 900 cm
2. 80 cm
3. 538 cm
4. 754 cm
2. (i) 6 m 25 cm
(ii) 25 m 40 cm
(iii) 35 m 05 cm
3. (i) 8,000 m
(ii) 42,000 m
(iii) 92,000 m
(iv) 15,060 m
(v) 35,215 m
(vi) 95,290 m
(vii) 4,00,020 m
(viii) 216,215 m
4. (i) 7 kg 625 g
(ii) 8 kg 92 g
(iii) 7 kg 4 g
(iv) 2 kg 50 g
5. (i) 8 ℓ 745 mℓ
(ii) 9 ℓ 63 mℓ
(iii) 20 ℓ 8 mℓ
(iv) 9 ℓ 376 mℓ
6. (i) 10 m 90 cm
(ii) 11 m
(iii) 13 km 450 m
(iv) 11 km 600 m
(v) 15 kg 25 g
(vi) 7 kg 401 g
(vii) 12 ℓ 585 mℓ
(viii) 11 m
(ix) 14 m 40 cm
(x) 23 km 25 m
7. (i) 5 km 3505 m
(ii) 14 km 650 m
(iii) 14 m 50 cm
(iv) 4 m 75 cm
(v) 3 kg 675 g
(vi) 11 kg 625 g
(vii) 27 ℓ 582 mℓ
(viii) 34 ℓ 875 mℓ
(ix) 52 ℓ 642 mℓ
(x) 8 km 600 m
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