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4th Grade Math Worksheets

4th grade math worksheets is carefully planned and thoughtfully presented on mathematics for the students. Teachers and parents can also follow the worksheets to guide the students. All the topics are covered in the 4th grade worksheets. These worksheets can be used for home work practice also. All types of questions are covered in the homework sheets for example Numbers, Fractions, Four Fundamental Operations, Measurement, Data handling and Geometry.

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Math Worksheets for 4th Graders

 Practice Test - Worksheets

4th Grade Numbers Worksheets

 Geometry - Worksheets on Simple Shapes & Circle

Worksheet on Closed Curves and Open Curves.

Worksheet on Polygons.

Worksheet on Circle.

Worksheet on Line Symmetry.

Worksheet on Symmetrical Shapes.

4th Grade Geometry Worksheet

 Numbers - Worksheets

Worksheet on Numbers.

Number Worksheets.

Worksheets on Comparison of Numbers.

Worksheet on Successor and Predecessor.

Worksheet on Arranging Numbers.

Worksheet on Numbers in Words.

Worksheet on Numbers Writing.

Worksheet on Large Numbers.

Worksheets Showing Numbers on Spike Abacus.

Worksheet on Place Value.

Worksheet on Expanded form of a Number.

Worksheet on Formation of Numbers.

Worksheet on Forming Numbers with Digits

Worksheet on Rounding off Numbers.

Worksheet on Rounding Numbers.

Worksheet on Place Values.

Roman Numerals - Worksheets

Worksheet on Roman Numerals

4th Grade Roman Numerals

Factors and Multiples - Worksheets

Worksheet on Multiples.

Worksheet on Factors.

Worksheet on Even and Odd Numbers.

Fractional Numbers - worksheets

Worksheet on Equivalent Fractions.

Worksheet on Fractions.

Worksheet on Comparison of Like Fractions.

Worksheet on Conversion of Fractions.

Worksheet on Changing Fractions.

Worksheet on Types of Fractions.

Worksheet on Reducing Fraction.

Worksheet on Addition of Fractions having the Same Denominator.

Worksheet on Subtraction of Fractions having the Same Denominator.

Worksheet on Add and Subtract Fractions.

Worksheet on Fractional Numbers.

4th Grade Fractions Worksheet

 Four Fundamental Operations - worksheets

Worksheet on Addition.

Worksheet on Word Problems on Addition.

4th Grade Addition Worksheet.

Worksheet on Subtraction.

Worksheet on Mixed Addition and Subtraction.

Worksheet on Word Problems on Addition and Subtraction.

Worksheet by Adding or Subtracting.

Worksheet on Addition and Subtraction.

Worksheet on Estimating Sums and Differences.

Worksheet on Multiplication.

Worksheet on Multiplication of a Number by a 2-Digit Number.

Worksheet on Multiplication of a Number by a 3-Digit Number.

Worksheet on Estimating Products.

Worksheet on Word Problems on Multiplication.

Worksheet on Division.

Worksheet on Division Facts.

Worksheet on Estimating the Quotient.

Worksheet on Dividing Numbers.

Worksheet on Division by Two-Digit Numbers.

Worksheet on Word Problems on Division.

Worksheet on Four Fundamental Operations.

Worksheet on Systems of Numeration.

 Measurement - Worksheets

Worksheet on Measurement of Length.

Worksheet on Perimeter of a Figure.

Worksheet on Measurement of Mass or Weight.

Worksheet on Measurement of Capacity.

Worksheet on Measurement of Time.

Worksheet on Antemeridian and Postmeridian.

Worksheet on Interpreting a Calendar.

Worksheet on Units of Time.

Worksheet on Telling Time.

 Data Handling - Worksheets

Worksheet on Pictographs.

Worksheet on Interpreting a Pictograph. 

I. State whether the following statements are true or false:

(i) Fractions having denominator 1 are called unit fractions.

(ii) 612 = 12

(iii) 915 = 1117

(iv) 25 - 14 = 11

(v) 13 × 0 = 0

(vi) 310 = 0.03

(vii) 861000 = 0.86

(viii) 335 rupees  8 paise = 335.8 rupees

(ix) 26 km 190 m = 26.190 km

(x) 1 litre = 100 millilitres

(xi) 1 decametre = 100 hectometres

(xii) 10 decilitres = 100 centilitres

(xiii) 1 tonne = 10 quintals

(xiv) 3 km 4 hm 5 dm 1 m = 3451 m

(xv) 1629 gm = 16.29 kg

II. Fill in the blanks:

(i) Fractions having same denominators are called ………………………….

(ii) 14 + 14 + 14 + 14 = ………………………….

(iii) 57 = 35

(iv) A fraction in which the denominator is greater than the numerator is called ………………………….

(v) A …………………………. is the sum of a whole number and a proper fraction.

(vi) 68 + 35 = 35 + ………………………….

(vii) …………………………. of a fraction is the fraction inverted.

(viii) A …………………………. is a fraction whose denominator is 10 or powers of 10

(ix) 2 and 35 thousandths is written as ………………………….

(x) 28.56 m = …………………………. cm

(xi) 21 kg 75 g = …………………………. g

(xii) 1 litre = …………………………. ml

(xiii) Milli stands for ………………………….

(xiv) 752 quintals = …………………………. kg

(xv) 7 hl 5 dl = …………………………. l

III. Reduce the fractions to their lowest terms:

(i) 72216

(ii) 168840

IV. Arrange the following sets of fractions in the ascending order.

(i) 59, 511, 517, 512, 521

(ii) 215, 515, 815, 215, 715

V. Arrange the following sets of fractions in the descending order.

(i) 816, 916, 716, 1116, 1616

(ii) 27, 26, 56, 83

VI. Add the following fractions:

(i) 29 + 49 + 19 =

(ii) 713 + 113 + 213 + 313 =

VII. Subtract the following:

(i) 710 - 35 =

(ii) 1513 - 625 =

VIII. Simplify using prime factorisation:

(i) 2849 × 2748 × 3618

(ii) 1618 × 1520 × 2530

IX. Multiply the following:

(i) 35 × 9

(ii) 35 × 25

X. Divide the following:

(i) 427 ÷ 23

(ii) 536 ÷ 2724

XI. Convert the following into decimals:

(i) 2956100

(ii) 291000

XII. Add the following:

(i) 38.3 + 56.28 + 49.5 + 75.25

(ii) 528.234 + 364.641 + 258.070

XIII. Subtract the following:

(i) 37.070 – 25.180

(ii) 578.125 – 287.209

XIV. Workout the following:

(i) 235 km 528 m + 513 km 743 m + 28 km 050 m

(ii) 78 l 750 ml – 64 l 280 ml

(iii) 78 m 83 cm × 16

(iv) 36.500 kg ÷ 12

XV. Workout the following word problems:

(i) A factory produces 5340 soaps in 4 days. How many soap do the factory produce in 10 days?

(ii) Sharon walked 23 km. Shelly walked 818 km. Who walked farther? How much farther did one walk than the other?

(iii) The length and breadth of a rectangular plot of land are 47 m and 35 m. Find its area.

(iv) In a grocery shop, there was 3525 kg 780 g of rice in the morning. During the day 1683 kg 500 g of rice was sold out. How much of rice was left in the shop in the evening?

XVI. Fill in the blanks:

(i) A leap year has ………………………. days.

(ii) A figure bounded by straight lines is called a ………………………. figure

(iii) The length of the boundary of a closed figure is called its ……………………….

(iv) An angle greater than 90° and lesser than 180° is a ……………………….

(v) SP – CP = ……………………….

(vi) 12 midnight is ………………………. hours in 24 hour clock.

(vii) An ………………………. is formed when two rays meet at a point.

(viii) A triangle has ………………………. vertices.

(ix) An angle greater than ………………………. is called a reflex angle.

(x) 15 minutes is ………………………. seconds.

XVII. Convert the following into hours and minutes.

(i) 755 minutes

(ii) 235 minutes

XVIII. Convert the following into minutes.

(i) 11 hours 35 minutes

(ii) 15 hours 56 minutes

XIX. Convert the following into years and months:

(i) 92 months

(ii) 85 months

XX. Add the following:

1.        days


         +  46

         +  52





2.        hours


         +  18

         +  13









XXI. Subtract the following:

1.        days


         -  13




2.        hours


         -  15







XXII. Workout the following problems:

(i) Sam bought a two wheeler for $52,000 and sold it at a loss of $13,528. Find the selling price.

(ii) Roma sold her car for $275,000 at a profit of $25,820. Find the cost price of the car.

(iii) A shopkeeper purchased a bag of rice for $1425. He sold it for $1725. What is his gain?

(iv) A square has a perimeter of 256 cm. What is the length of each side?

(v) The length and breadth of a rectangular field is 96 m and 47 m respectively. Find the cost of fencing the field if the cost of fencing is $12 a metre.

XXIII. Construct an angle measuring 125°.

Math Homework Sheets

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